Api's vlog

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In this AU septuplets are 16 years old with powers, scene takes place after Boboiboy galaxy musim 2

Hey there fellas! Boboiboy Blaze Bin Amato here!!! You all might be wondering what is happening well I have decided to open a YouTube channel named Boboiboy Elemental Vlogs were I am gonna publish vlogs on our daily life, missions, adventure etc. it's truly gonna be fun now isn't it?!?

"Too loud" mumbles Air who was sitting next to Api eating fresh baked cookies on one of the tables from cafeteria 

Oh ya also imagine that tapops made few more bases in galaxy and they are in one of them....currently 

Well today is just an introduction video of ours I mean I know we siblings are famous but meh! Never mind. Points camera at Air who was busy eating cookies. This is my favourite twin here, Boboiboy Ais Bin Amato. I don't think so he is well known like me thanks to his inactiveness and laziness, Yes. Turns the camera to himself. Ais is the most laziest and calm septuplet among us, he also has the power of water which in his second tier is Ais. Oh oh! (with shining bright eyes) You know we both also have a galaxy famous fusion known as Frostfire!! The most powerful fusion of course. Api says all this with a prideful grin, he turns the camera back to his twin. 

Hey Air you have anything to tell to our viewers? 

Air continues eating cookies

... Hm Hm?


He's saying hello! Also he's saying that what I am saying is all true after all no one knows him as much like me. Api says it all after turning the camera to himself 

"I doubt I said that-" mumbles Air who was cut off by Angin's sudden shouting and him rushing to the cafeteria, "Hey Air I told you so many times that these cookies are for desert after dinner" "But they are so delicious! You are an amazing cook Angin" "Hehehe thanks" Angin scratches the back of his head while Air takes another to keep in his mouth, "Hey hey no!-" Angin snatches the cookie from Air's hand- 

Oh that's my second eldest brother Boboiboy Taufan Bin Amato there! 

Air and Angin continues arguing over cookies, more like Air convince Angin to have another bunch 

He's an amazing cook especially when it comes to bakery items... (mumbles) trust me way better than Yaya, who's cookies are famous now after Nova prix race (clears throat) Also he's the owner of power of wind, his fusion with Solar is very famous too and my brother over here is currently practising with Princess of Windara Kuputeri to control his third tier power tempest (widely grins) which is so cool. He also time to time receive help from Princess Kuputeri's old white haired subordinate (scratches head in confusion) uhh.. I don't remember his name right now, he's some 100 year old man named Mari- something? 

"Maripos" says Angin while chuckling who is also holding a cookie tray on air quite high enough so that his lazy polar bear brother doesn't reach 

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