Happy Draught?

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In this AU septuplets are age 11, original trio has powers, you guys remember the episode (in original series season 2) when Adudu had hit Boboiboy and his friends with a gun and changed their emotions? I don't remember that episode well but I do know that Yaya had craziness/happiness as her emotion and Boboiboy had immense sadness/negativity as his emotion, now let's exchange it! Boboiboy siblings have the craziness emotion and Yaya would have negative one. This scene is after they defeat Adudu and Probe, according to Probe, the siblings will be normal by next day. Oh! Ya forgot to tell only Cahaya was not hit by the beam because when it was all happening, original trio told them not to come but Api along with Daun of course followed them and Air who was going canteen was somehow dragged in the scene

The six siblings were very busy right now. They all were having fun by singing and dancing...

Api holds daun in his arms and sings,"Why do I, baby? Why do I?" "Love the way you only always leave me" sung and giggled by Daun

Angin was doing a couple dance with Air and continues the song started by Api,"Why do I, baby? Why do I?" "Love the touch but never love the feeling" for the first time in life, Air wasn't sleeping and enjoying the craziness of his siblings (well because of draught Air used to do craziness in his dreams - you can't judge the lazy element)

Petir and Tanah were holding hands and dancing while continuing the song,"Why do I, baby? Why do I?" "Love the way you only always leave me" (of course they are under influence of draught)

"Why do I, baby? Why do I?Love the touch but never love the feeling"

"Can you all just stop this nonsense" said Cahaya who was standing by the door. Everyone looks at him and there was an absolute silence for two minutes. Cahaya breaks the silence by taking a sip of his coffee. "Nooo c'mon we are having funn" whined Api. An imaginary cross-mark appears on Cahaya's forehead while he looks at his siblings with narrow eyes of disbelief, "IT'S FREAKING 2 A.M!!!"

Meanwhile Tok Aba, turns around and sleeps peacefully with cotton in his ears, you can't blame the old man, he had a tough time handling this mess, he definitely deserves a peaceful sleep.....ochobot was being charged, he closed his system to avoid distractions 

Next morning...

Petir wakes up. He looks around and notice all were sleeping in drawing room with covers over them. "Oh you are awake" said Cahaya who keeps breakfast near the table beside sofa, "Get ready now we still have an hour before school starts" "What happened here? Why all are sleeping down?" "Oh you don't remember" smirks Cahaya. "What do you mean? And what's with that stupid smirk lightbulb" asks confused yet frowning Petir. "Well you see" Cahaya opens his phone and shows the embarrassing dance all were doing last night. "W-what" asks startled and wide eyed Petir, "Well that's what happens when you act like fools and directly charge into battle"

After an hour....

Angin whispers to Tanah, "Are you sure he is fine? Today since I am awake I have been seeing him listening to Cahaya and not retorting back" "I am as confused as you are Angin. I asked him but he said he's just trying to be a better elder brother figure to him. I don't know but feels like he is being forced" 

"Let's not ignore the fact that Petir has agreed to buy Cahaya some models for physics experiment from his share of pocket money" "WHAT?!?" This statement of Air definitely shocked both of them, what even happened when they were sleeping? They just know that they woke up 10 minutes later after Petir? So what in the world happened in those 10 minutes which leads to this big change???

Well if you know? You know... Cahaya's just being a good younger brother by keeping this secret under his elder's guidance on mere terms

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