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"You look exhausted"

"Ugh! Tell me about it!"

"How did your study session go??"

Cahaya sighs at other's question while he remembers the events of whole day


With Fang, Gopal, Petir and Tanah:-

"Gopal either study or die. Just stop whining!"

Cahaya said that to an already crying Gopal who had not stop grieving on the fact that why their teacher had to give them fifty maths questions as homework

"Cahaya that's rude! Don't say like that!" scolded Tanah

"Fine" said Cahaya with an eye roll

"And I am done!" saying so Fang closed his maths notebook

"Eh! That fast!"

"I am just that good!!"

Cahaya takes a look at Fang's books and then looks at him with a deadpan expression who was still speaking to Tanah

"You did exercise 4 questions in place of exercise 5"


Fang takes his books and looks at them. No sooner his face turns pale (Us Fang us 🤧 I do this mistake few times as well making me do my homework twice)

"Deh! Serves you right!" exclaimed Gopal with a smirk

"It's ok we still have time! We can do it Fang" said Tanah in reassurance

Cahaya shakes his head and looks at Petir who was silently struggling with a question

"Your approach is correct but in the formula it's minus not plus" he said while pointing at the formula

Petir nods and corrects it

"If you are having problem then tell me"

"I don't have any problems"

"Yeah sure! Your previous question answered a lot"

Petir ignores Cahaya's rant and focuses on next question

'Just if he was not my brother I would have- ugh!!' thought Cahaya with an imaginary cross on his head while fisting his palm to restrain his anger. Tanah pats his back to calm him down.

With Api and Air:-

"This is so tough!" exclaimed Api with a frustrated sigh

"Stop complaining and just follow the steps I told you (pointing at a calculation) see here you have done multiplication mistake"

'Besides it's the easiest question' thought Cahaya


"And Air atleast do some questions or else you will be in trouble" said Cahaya turning to Air with a sweat drop who was still sleeping over his books

Air groans a little hugging his plushie tighter while pushing his notebook forward

"I did it already"

"That fast?!?"

Cahaya looks at his notebook, all questions were solved correctly

"When the hell did he do that?!!!" muttered Cahaya

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