Daun's powers (Recreating episode)

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I am basically recreating Boboiboy galaxy episode 5 in septuplets au, just a trial...

"What's wrong with my power watch Haya" asked Daun looking at Cahaya worriedly who was still examining his power watch and trying to fix it

"I don't really know..."

Cahaya was honestly confused, the septuplets along with Gopal recently had a mission on planet Gurunda, well it's not like all were allowed, it was just TTM, Petir and Tanah along with their friends. Tanah was initially reluctant on taking Api and Daun but well, their puppy dog eyes did the trick. He still isn't immune to that is he?

"Ever since your mission on planet Gurunda, his watch has been acting up" said Ochobot after keeping the plates on the table, turning back to gain their attention

"Just give him a new power watch! Problem solved!" said Gopal nonchalantly

"Easy for you to say!"

"We gotta find a way to fix his power watch or else he won't be able to perform his missions" said Cahaya earning a nod from worried looking Daun

"And a little quicker before the older trio gets to know about this news" said Api pointing at Petir who was speaking to Tanah while Angin walking towards them with his usual enthusiastic smile.

Api, Daun and Cahaya clearly remembers that how tough it was to convince the older trio especially Tanah and Petir on letting them join Tapops and take part in missions, if they get to know about Daun's power watch problem, it's gonna be a big take down on them.

"Oh don't worry we're on your team" said Yaya calmly to take down their stress

"Tough girls like this, every mission will be as easy as pie" said Ying proudly

"Yeah right" said septuplets (except Petir and Tanah) and Gopal with a deadpan expression

"If you think you're so tough try removing bellbot off catus" said Gopal pointing at the sleepy green cat

"Hey are you nuts! Catus will run amok!" said Ying looking back at her friends

"Not so tough now!" said Api, Angin and Gopal with a slight smirk

"You guys! Don't bother that poor cat!" said Tanah walking in their conversation along with Petir

Catus rubs it's head on Petir's leg gaining his attention. He crouches down asking it, what's going on

"Looks like he's hungry!" said Yaya flying near them

"To think about it, he didn't eat anything since we returned" said Api with a thinking gesture

"You guys have been starving that poor thing?!" said Cahaya looking at Api with narrowed eyes of disbelief

"Hey-" before Api could continue, Gopal breaks him exclaiming, "No problemo my friend! Cat food transformation!" saying so Gopal turned a tissue box and some packets into cat food and dry fishes

"Hey! Tok Aba and Tanah won't like that!" said Daun worriedly

"Shhhh! They haven't noticed yet!" said Gopal quietly

(Tok Aba had called Tanah for some work so he wasn't there when this happened)

"All right! Go away! Eat up!" exclaimed Gopal while placing the food in front of catus who was meowing away looking at it with displeased expression

"Looks like he doesn't like it" said Petir leaning on the counter

"Fine! You ungrateful cat!" saying so Gopal picks it up and starts eating it

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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