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This is a small septuplets au and let's take their age as 12?

'Ugh where is it?!?' Cahaya thought that for umpteenth time while looking for his glasses. The door of Cahaya's room is pushed in revealing a boy with brown cap calling out his brother, "Cahaya we still have 1 hour before the school starts-" he stops his track of words when he notices his younger brother looking for something.

"What are you looking for?"

"My specs Tanah! I can't find them" said Cahaya who have already started to panic a bit

Tanah looks around the room and sees silver framed round glasses on the messy study table. He looks back at his brother who was now looking into his cupboard. He sighs, "They are on the table"

As soon as Cahaya heard that he quickly turned towards his table and looked at it carefully, he too noticed his specs now on table. He was stunned for a moment, "But they weren't-" he stops when he realised the other's presence in his room. He looks at Tanah who was giving him a questioning look

Cahaya calms himself down quickly and smiles at his brother, "Ah! I didn't look for it here" he scratches the back of his head after he said that

Tanah does not seem to buy that, before he could say (ask) anything, Angin calls him down informing that Api has started eating even when he said him not too. "Come down for breakfast, then we have to leave for school"

"Coming!" Replied Cahaya while keeping one last book in his bag

Tanah left from there after giving a quick glance to his brother, though he felt something was wrong, he ignored it.

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