Daun misses Cahaya

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In this AU septuplets are 15 years old, they all have powers

Daun: *watering a sunflower in his garden*
Angin: *enters the garden and walks upto Daun* Daun~ watcha doing?
Daun: *looks at him and smiles* Tomorrow is our birthday Angin, I was just preparing gift for our sunshine ~
Angin: *shocked* S-Sunshine-?
Daun: *smiling* Yup, all of your gifts are ready, just making this ready for him (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Angin: *leaves*
Daun: Anyways did you- *sees that Angin left* Oh boy. Nvm *continues humming his song*

Next day...

Daun gives gift to all his siblings. They all were kinda sad and happy? Though this was the first time they had nothing to give to each other, it was just Daun giving everyone gifts. He has promised his sunshine that no matter what he will always be happy and spread rays of happiness everywhere despite the fact of dying inside with sorrow.

Daun enters his and Cahaya's old shared bedroom and keep sunflower on table which was receiving sunlight from window.

Daun: *smiles sadly* Happy birthday Cahaya...
Angin: *enters the room* Daun...
Daun: *turns to him*
Angin: *smiles a bit* Come on, Tanah is calling, time to meet Sol and wish him...
Daun: *nods*
The septup- ok I am sorry sextuplets were on their way to cemetery to meet Sol. While they were walking, the wind blew fast and a few dandelions fall on Daun's head. The brothers saw that and smiled. Why? Because every year on their birthday, Cahaya used to give Daun yellow dandelions which after few days would turn flowers ready to let go of it's seeds. He used to say that these dandelions represent the ever growing happiness, innocence and pure nature of Daun. 

Heh! Cahaya can never let them live peacefully, can he? Even though it's just been a month since he left them but all were missing him desperately especially Daun...

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