The Plan Part 3

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Peter saw eleven enter the room a little late. He approached her slowly. "Some ones a sleepyhead this morning." Eleven looked up at him a little confused. "I'm sorry." "There's nothing to be sorry for." Dr.Brenner then entered the room with Bethany by his side. "Good morning children." "Good morning papa." He told one of the children to open the door and then they left to the room where the activity was being held.

When they got to the room the children lined up on the wall while Peter and Bethany drew two circles on the floor. When they finished drawing the circles Peter and Bethany stood against the wall. "Okay number 2 would you please come up." The boy stood inside the circle and waited for further instructions. One by one Brenner began to call the other children to come and compete against two. One by one two defeated all of the other children, then it was elevens turn to go against two. Peter quickly whispered encouraging words in elevens ear. Two started to get into the lead but then eleven began to overturn two. And soon enough eleven managed to overturn two. "Well it looks like we have a new winner." Bethany noticed the looks two and his friends were giving eleven but she dismissed it because she thought it was just jealousy. 

After the activity was over the children went back to their rooms except eleven. She got an extra hour in the rainbow room. Peter saw his sister and took this chance to talk to her. "Bethany." His sister turned to look at him and smiled. "Hello Peter how are you?" "I'm doing great. It's been awhile since we've talked last." "It has been hasn't it." He smiled at her without a face full of love. "I've just been so busy and..... I am sorry if I don't talk to you as much as I used to." "It's okay Bethany. I am happy that you are happy and I am glad that you are my twin." Bethany smiled at her brother. "Bethany." They both turned around to see Brenner walking towards them. When he finally got to them he looked at Bethany. "I see you're catching up with your talk. I need to talk with Bethany." If looks could kill Brenner would have been long dead. "Okay, maybe I will talk to you later Peter." "Yes maybe." "Come now Bethany we have matters to discuss."

As Peter watched his sister and  Brenner walk away the only thing thing on his mind was his plan. The plan that would surely give him his twin back. He walked back to his room and sat down on his bed. He now knew that he had to put his plan into action before his sister was lost to him forever.

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