The Final Showdown Part 3

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Bethany was with Dr.Brenner and one of the children. "Are you ready." The boy nodded at Dr.Brenner. "Yes Papa, I'm ready." "Bethany if you would be as kind as to put the blind fold on him please." "Yes Dr.Brenner." After Bethany put the blind fold on the child they began the session. "What do you see?" The boy began to panic. "They're all dead, blood is everywhere." All of a sudden everything went black.

Bethany woke up before Dr.Brenner did. She decided to try and find out what caused the black out. But when she went into the halls. She was met with a lot of blood. Bethany continued to walk down the hallway until she got to the entrance of the rainbow room. She thought that she heard struggling coming from the rainbow room. When she went inside she saw the corpses of all the children. And she saw her brother trying to kill Eleven. "Let go of her Henry." Without hesitating she threw Peter back with her powers and went to Eleven. "Are you okay Eleven?" Eleven only nodded. "Well well well, Sister dear has arrived."

"Henry what have you done

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"Henry what have you done." Henry chuckled a sinister chuckle. "I have already explained it to Eleven so I will explain to you in a whole different way. Dear sister." Bethany didn't like the sound of it. "We were always the outcast Bethany. No one ever cared about us. They wanted to send you away. But I wouldn't let them." Bethany began to cry. Peter walked up to his sister and wiped her tears off her face. "Why are you crying for them Bethany. They mean nothing to you and yet you shed your tears for them." "They were children Henry!" This time shocked Peter. Bethany never used this tone with him. "They might have been children, but they were in the way." "In the way of what?" "They were in the way of creating a better version of the world. A less toxic, fatal, and disgusting world."  Bethany didn't know what to say. Her brother, her twin was a monster. "Hey look at me. I did this for us and for Eleven."

Bethany started Henry in the eyes. "What you did was monstrous Henry. Plain monstrous." Henry looked at his sister. "But I will always love you." Before Henry could respond and strike Bethany he was thrown against the wall by Eleven. Henry screamed in pain. "I'll come back for you Brazil. I promise.....I PROMISE!!". Henry then was sucked into the vortex created by Eleven.

Brazil Fainted just as Dr.Brenner came into the room. He looked all around the room. Saw the corpses of the children and the unconscious body of Bethany. He then saw Eleven. Eleven turned around and face Brenner. "What have done?" He went and held Bethany's unconscious body in his arms. "What have you done!" Eleven then passed out. "Harven anybody help come quick."

Bethany was recovery and Eleven has apparently lost part of her memory. Bethany recoverd pretty quickly. Brenner was happy she was on the right road to recovery. Later that night Brenner was watching the surveillance footage and saw what happened that day. He was proud that Bethany tried to stop Henry and protect Eleven. What made him concerned were the last words he spoke before being sucked into the vortex. He would have to put extra protection around her and eleven if he wanted both of them safe. Brenner had included that Eleven had lost part of her memory after the accident. He knew one day he would have to tell her the truth. Both her and Bethany would know the truth one day. But for now he would retrain Eleven and Bethany would become his second in command. He then walked out of the surveillance room and went to go pay a visit to his future second in command.

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