The Plan Part 4

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Peter was sitting in his room. He was thinking about his plan. He was so sure that it would work, he didn't know why he was so nervous. Peter decided that he would put his plan into action the very next day. He had all the details mapped out and he went over the plan many times in his head. Now all he had to do was make sure that any and all obstacles were destroyed and out of the way. The only thing that worried him was his sister. He only hopes that she wouldn't think of him as a monster after it was all over.

In a different room Bethany and Dr.Brenner were discussing an important matter. "Now Bethany have you talked to Peter about what we discussed earlier." "I haven't had a chance to." "Well I trust that you will discuss it with him next time you talk with him." "Yes Dr.Brenner I promise." "Excellent. Now on to a different matter." "What is it ?" "Well now that you have reached the next level in training to become my second in command I would like to promote you to the next level of training." Bethany smiled. "I'm glad, thank you Dr.Brenner." While looking down at the young women he had a small flashback. In the flashback Bethany was a child,then a teen, and then back to her adult form. From the time she first learned how to control her powers to the time when she proved worthy enough to be a trusted staff member and a candidate for second in command. "I'm glad that you agree because your training starts next week." Bethany smiled and nodded her head. "Come now let's make sure the children are behaving." Brenner and Bethany left the room and went to the rainbow room.

Peter was walking towards the rainbow room when he saw Brenner and Bethany walking the same way. His blood boiled and he wanted so badly to be the one walking beside Bethany not the man that was currently walking beside her.  They approached the door that led to the rainbow room at the same time. Brenner and Bethany entered the rainbow room first and Peter went in after them.  The only thing going through Peters head was *I will find a way to get my sister back. Even if it had to get ugly.* Peter put on his best fake smile and went into the rainbow room where all the children were playing happily.

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