A Not So Merry Unbirthday

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Hi! So I usually post late Monday nights but I have a lot of assignments coming up and will miss it. I had this finished and I thought to post it. Updates are late Monday Nights for me every week or every two weeks. So enjoy this and I will see you on the 10th!


Yuu blinked himself to awareness, groaning at the harsh light from the window and the slight throbbing in his head, Shoto smiling as he finished opening up the curtains and floated over.


'Too early," Yuu grumbled, rolling over into a burrito and ignoring the ghost who chuckled before he grabbed the end and pulled.

Yuu yelped as he was lifted into the air before he was freezing cold and slammed back into the plush bed he was in a moment before, staring at the ghost with annoyed glare before he sat up and rubbed his head.

'We don't even have classes," he grumbled, rubbing his head to get the dull ache to go away.

"But you heard those girls talking about you and are going to sulk the entire day! And I bet you didn't even tell your friends," Shoto accused Yuu, narrowing his eyes at him.

"..." He didn't answer, crossing his arms as the ghost went about fixing up the room and folding his blanket. "Get dressed and visit some of your friends. You have me and the gang here to watch over these girls!"

"...Fine." Yuu sighed, getting up to get himself dressed as Shoto smiled and finished making his bed for him.

The ghosts are always babying him!

Shoto hummed as he went about cleaning the room, Yuu having a bad bout with insomnia it seemed as he stayed up until 3 before sleep decided to grace him that night. Shoto turned around to place some papers back on his desk only to stop and become somber at the sight of Yuu.

His back was to him but he could see the surgery scars from the various surgeries that he had to endure for not only his back that was damaged during the S.T.Y.X and Malleus incident but also during the mob that came to the school after the mirror incident, people angry at Crowley and demanding to speak to him

The boy had been trampled and had his ribs broken...not bruised, but broken.

He had to be rushed into emergency surgery to get them repaired as people tried to attack Crowley, not realizing they had nearly killed an innocent. Yuu had recovered well enough, Vil and the Kingscholar family using their influence to get him the best care, along with Malleus using magic and the Shrouds providing the equipment but still...

Yuu was in a delicate state that needed to be monitored, as much as he hated it.

"Should I go with black or...gray," Yuu murmured, looking at the two shirts before shrugging and choosing black, as it was in line with his house's colors. Black and white. "...Do I want white pants though?"

He really was becoming like Vil...

Shaking his head he grabbed his black pants with his tri buckle belt, he put his boots on with a grunt and moved to leave the room only to stop. He grabbed his watch, attaching it with his usual grace before tapping a small heart icon and slumping at the indication of no movement.

"Grim didn't move," Shoto guessed, Yuu nodding as he left the room without another word, heading down to the kitchen and nodding as he saw that no one was up.

...Well...it was only 6 am...

Shaking his head he entered the kitchen moving to the cupboard to grab his usual cup and moved to the coffeemaker to get himself some decaf that Vil allowed him, while the machine worked it's magic he opened his phone to a plethora of drunken texts from his friends.

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