Life Has a Way

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Hi, I know I have been really inconsistent the last few months and am only halfway done with this fic. In previous chapters, I had stated that my work became literally so toxic to my body it was harming it to an alarming degree. I sadly did not know how bad it was until I had left it and started a new, less stressful/toxic job. The constant stress that my job had been putting on me had allowed some less than stellar symptoms to be hidden, and now that all I have is school to worry about on top of a couple few hours shifts a week, those bad symptoms have reared its head.

There is an unexplained lump in my thyroid and with talks to my family, thyroid issues are a major player in our genetics. I have to undergo testing, biopsies and treatments that leave me drained after all my school work and shifts. The lump isn't big enough to do anything major, i.e. surgery on it, but they don't know what it is either, so treatment is wholly experimental at this point.

I have to take a major step back from this, and I feel so bad about it. I want to finish it, I want to keep it going but right now I can't because not only am I a college, studenting but I am entering my last year and a half with this...medical issue on top of me. Thank you to all who still read and understand what I am going through. Once I am healed and have my coherency back from all this...experimental stuff I am going through. It WILL get finished, because nerd is life and that is what I am!

And no, it doesn't look like cancer; so don't worry. But boy, is this thing fucking up my bodies hormones.

Until we speak again!


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