New Years Surprise

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"....I fucking hate you," Yuu groaned, laying down on the ground as Thumper smiled, leaning down to look over Yuu.

'I win," he grinned evilly, Yuu groaning into his hands as he rolled deeper into the snow.

"You messed with our animals! I know you did,' Yuu whined, unbothered by the cold as the rest of his team limped over to their family. "Admit it!!!" He demanded, or more like whined, limp on the ground.

'Your just a sore loser," Thumper snorted, crossing his arms as Granny Felmier began to rip Epel a new one for losing. "But then again, you NRC people aren't used to not being on top, so I suppose this is suspected."

'Oh fuck off," Yuu whined, flopping onto his back to look at Thumper proper. "I don't wanna do it..."

'We bet. And I won. You owe me a request," He grinned, hands on his hips while he leaned down to show Yuu all his teeth. "And I will cash it in soon. But not today. Too tired and too fucking sore," he grunted, rolling his neck. "Come on. Let's go. Get some pie, then go home and shower. And crash."

'Deal," Yuu sighed, taking the offered hand with a sigh before he was hauled up onto his feet. "Uuugh, I am going to be subjected to both spectrums."





"Huh? Yeah Kalim."


"Oh," Thumper realized. "Ha! Have fun," he clapped Yuu on the back, smiling despite the glare the other boy had on him. "Later!'

"Tch, asshole," Yuu rolled his eyes, voice having no real bite to it as he was ushered into the middle of a cluster of bodies, batting away Lilia's attempt at pinching his cheeks before he caught up to Epel. "Got reamed a new one?"

"No shit," Epel snorted, giving a look to Vil when he shot him one in response to his language. "But New Years is the day after tomorrow and then there's only a week left before we head back. Are you ready for the big Fireworks show?"

"Hell yeah I am," Yuu smiled, allowing Epel to hook an arm around him steering him back to the house as Idia was fangirling in the back. "Still can't believe you not only look like your Granny, but that show was modeled after her and her friends."

'Small world, huh," Epel shrugged, deflecting the look alike comment with ease. "At least Idia will be occupied for a bit and not be glomming up the place...despite his mom's best efforts."

"That shit is funny," Yuu snickered, his puffs of air turning to fog as he did so. "His mom is so extraverted it's hilarious. His father is better than him, but man...he really nailed a woman huh!?"

'She made her helmet and everything pink. Along with her work wear," Epel reminded him. "She is the opposite of them all."

"...Yeah.." Yuu hummed, looking back to see her trying to get Idia off of Granny Felmier who looked annoyed at Idia's voice and his insistence of learning about her old sledding days.

"Come on, pie at home,' Epel grinned.

"Damn straight!"

The rest of the group followed, Idia being dragged by the ear by his mother who was blushing in embarrassment at her son's antics and how shameless he could become if he was invigorated too. Azul was lamenting to Jade about his loss, the Eel smiling through his pain at said loss while he strangled his brother who had laughed at him before being put into a headlock. The other eel was whining to be let go while Sebek was crying about bringing shame to Malleus.

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