Chapter - 3

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"Eda? Are you ready?"

"Gunaydin askim! Just coming down." Eda was just at the gate, she had been waiting for Serkan, for once she was ready on time, even early.

Even though they had seen each other an hour ago they hugged as if it had been days, with a good morning kiss dispensed, she got into the car and he closed her door. Serkan got in and started up the car, his brain was still in a turmoil over his dealings with Aptekin but seeing Eda, so beautiful and fresh, made his heart full.

Eda loved when they drove to work with the top down and the music playing, this morning was no different, his smile watching her was ear to ear. People who knew Serkan Bolat in business didn't know that he could smile or laugh, they would never recognize this man.

Serkan pulled up to the office and turned the car over to Tolga, the staff was used to Serkan Bolat and Eda Yildiz arriving at work together but today they seemed different, happier. Serkan walked over and assisted Eda from the car and did something he had never done before, today he held her hand walking into work all the way to her desk. Today Serkan Bolat declared that he and Eda Yildiz were and item.

You could have heard a pin drop in the drafting room at ArtLife, they were all surprised that Serkan Bolat was making a public declaration. No one was surprised that he was with Eda, they all knew that he loved her even after the fake contract, Leyla made sure that people knew it was true love. No, the surprise was that this very private man had done something so public.

Engin watched as Serkan walked Eda to her desk. He was so happy for his abi, he deserved happiness in his life.

Serkan was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work thrown at him by the holding, both he and Efe were inundated with calls. He had asked Leyla to put together a schedule for him to accommodate both his ArtLife and holding work which left him double booked throughout the day and in meetings until 10:00 that evening.

Eda watched him struggling to take on this mountain of work, she knew that there was nothing that she could do to help other than to be supportive.

"Leyla? Do you think that you could schedule in at least thirty minutes for him to have lunch? He needs some kind of a break."

Leyla looked at Eda, knowing that she had his best interests in mind. "Eda, how about I order a lunch for the two of you today?"

"Oh no Leyla, that wasn't what I meant, I just wanted to make sure he got lunch and a break."

"I know Eda, I will have lunch for the two of you on the patio at 12:00. You are right, he needs that break."

Serkan and Efe worked though the morning. When 12:00 arrived Serkan looked at his calendar for his next meeting and saw Leyla arrive with Miriam hanim to set up lunch on the patio.

"Serkan bey, you have a lunch break today, and a guest."

"Thank you Leyla." Serkan hadn't seen a guest on the calendar but then Eda walked into the conference room.

"You're my guest?"

"I am." Eda smiled and gave Serkan a kiss on the cheek, "I asked Leyla to make sure that you had at least thirty minutes for lunch, she made this surprise."

Serkan didn't want to waste any of their time, he knew that he wouldn't be seeing Eda that evening due to holding business. "We will do something tomorrow night okay? You pick."

"Hmmm, I'll think about it. I'm actually coming in a bit late, I am doing a bit of shopping in the morning at the mall so I will let you know then."

Their time flew by and he had to get back to work. Eda was kept busy throughout the day with her project too so they didn't see much of each other. When she left at 6:30 she looked up hoping that the conference room doors would finally be open and she could see Serkan before she left but they were still closed. She was walking out the doors with Melo when her phone pinged 'Miss you – Love you'. She sent him a text back 'love you too – don't stay too late' with a kiss emoji.

Serkan didn't only do holding and ArtLife business that day, he did personal business. He had Leyla pull a listing of the ArtLife available properties. ArtLife owned properties for investment purposes, ones in buildings that they had built or designed, they would sell them when the investment had matured. He reviewed the list and found a penthouse apartment close to work and the university that Eda was attending, this would be perfect for him.

"Leyla, take both sets of keys, give one to Seyfi and I'll take the other one. I will be moving into this property as soon as possible, I have asked Seyfi to pack my apartment at the family home and have it moved to the penthouse by the end of the week. Please tell no one that I am moving."

"Certainly Serkan bey. I will work with Seyfi bey to get this coordinated today."

Serkan knew that he could no longer remain in the same place as his father. He had stayed at the estate for his mother but after the encounter this morning he couldn't do it. He would talk to her this evening or tomorrow, but he was done living there.

Serkan was exhausted, he dragged himself home at 11:00 only to find his anne waiting for him.

"Serkancim, can we talk?"

This was probably the last thing that he wanted to do right now, "Anne, I have made up my mind, I am not changing it."

"But Serkancim, what will I do without you here? I will be all alone, your father is never here it will just be Seyfi and I."

"Anne, I cannot live near that man any longer. You heard the way he spoke to me this morning you cannot ask it of me. Do you think that maybe it is time that you tried therapy again? I would try to go with you."

"I don't know, maybe. I have an idea and I was talking with Seyfi, well, never mind. What did your father say?"

"He asked if I had broken up with Eda yet, he implied that my dating her was the reason that the holding was being investigated. He accepted no responsibility for the failings of the holdings or unethical decisions that were made and then threw it all in my lap to deal with."

"He what?"

"He said that his doctor said that it is too stressful for his heart and that he should hand over the reins of the business."

"Serkan, I sincerely doubt that his doctor told him anything of the sort, this is just Aptekin as you said not accepting his responsibility. I tried talking to him yesterday and he ignored me. Serkan, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell Eda?"

Serkan rubbed his temples, he had such a headache, he went to the kitchen to get lemon water. "I haven't had a chance to look at the papers yet anne. I just got home, but I don't see how I can be in a relationship with her, an honest relationship with her and not tell her."

"Serkan, whatever you decide, I support you." Aydan squeezed his hand, "Get some rest son."

Serkan watched his anne walk away. He made his lemon water remembering when Eda wanted him to reduce his stress, smelled the lemon half and walked to look at the stars. He looked in the night sky to Sirius and blinking right next to Sirius was his Eda Yildiz. He tried deep breathing but the pain in his heart from what his father had done to her was too great, he knew he was going to have to talk to her soon.

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