Chapter - 15

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It was a long day for Serkan. There were a couple of minor site issues that required his and Engin's attention. One of them appeared to be sabotage.

"Engin, this looks like it was done on purpose doesn't it. No way does that digger get imbedded in concrete that was just poured and then gets left that way overnight. We have to have more cameras on these sites or guards with dogs, we cannot afford issues like this."

"Abi, I agree, this was no accident. I talked to the foreman and he is livid. He said that the digger was nowhere near where it is now. Someone moved it after they closed the jobsite last night. I told him to add to security and make sure that they patrol and stay awake. If we have another incident like this he's fired." Engin was pissed. ArtLife didn't own the digger but the construction company that did would want to file an insurance claim worth hundreds of thousands.

"Take a look at the financials of the construction company, let's make sure that they didn't do this to collect the insurance money. It wouldn't be the first time something like this was done for insurance money."

The two men walked back to the car frustrated by the time delay and the waste of money. "So abi, ready for tonight? Edacim have any idea about the surprise?"

"No, unless Ceren says something and I doubt that. She takes her attorney client oath pretty seriously. If she didn't tell Eda anything when I went to Antalya she isn't going to say anything now."

Ceren wasn't saying anything, oh she had a big secret and it was killing her to keep it but Eda was going to be so surprised. She deserved it, she had worked hard to get where she was. Serkan recognized her talents and wanted to make sure that ArtLife had the best in the industry and he knew that Eda was going to be it. She was so proud of her, for Eda she would even clean, not too much, but a little bit.

Serkan had called Ayfer that morning to ask what Eda's favorite flowers were, he wanted to make sure that the bouquet that he was bringing was special. Ayfer was moved that Serkan would think to call her so she worked with Serkan to gather all the special blooms. She ran down to the flower shop herself and created the bouquet and had Alijan deliver it to Serkan that afternoon.

Serkan stopped at a chocolatier to pick up Eda's favorite chocolate's and then went to meet his mother and Seyfi. He was nervous and excited all in one, he couldn't wait for the engagement to be over because they would be one step closer to being married.

Aydan chattered the entire way to the Yildiz home. She and Ayfer had finally found the perfect venue, it was on the small side but Serkan and Eda had said that it was going to be an intimate wedding. Serkan listened with half an ear to his mother.

"Serkancim, can you come tomorrow afternoon to discuss all the final things for the wedding with Edacim?"

"I think so anne, let me check my calendar when we get to Eda's just to be sure. We need to make sure that she is free as well, this is her wedding and her opinions matter as much if not more than mine."

"Of course they do canim."

Serkan rang the bell when they arrived, Eda, Ayfer, Ceren, Fifi and Melo all crowded in to open the door but Serkan only had eyes for his love. He presented Eda with the bouquet that Ayfer had prepared for him and gave the chocolates to Ayfer.

When everyone had gathered in the living room Aydan was about to start the engagement ritual when Leyla piped up, "But we haven't had coffee yet."

He had hoped that they would forget this part, the idea of drinking salted and even peppered coffee for Eda made him slightly nauseous.

"Eda, please, no salt."

She didn't want to add any, she knew how he hated it but the kizlar had other ideas. Eda tried to tell him to be careful and only take a sip but the kizlar were insistent that he drink the whole thing up. Her poor Serkan, he almost choked on all the salt that they put in there. The kizlar and the rest of the guests found it hilarious only Serkan, Eda and Aydan didn't see the humor.

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