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The kingdom of Seattle was not always quiet, but it wasn't always filled with excitement either, but this particular day was filled with eager excitement, in the castle of Princess Floyd.

Excitement and Eagerness were always a recipe for something wild and crazy, and Princess Floyd was more than ready for it.

The only question that remained... Was Drake?

"I am going to slide down the banister!" Zoey exclaimed as she ran from her room toward the stairs.

"No!" Derek called from his room. "No you won't..." he replied.

"Yes, yes! Yes I will!" She teased as she grabbed hold of the banister of the stairs, watching Derek come running from his room, he slipped slightly on socked feet, nearly losing his footing, his heels pounded onto the floor as he caught himself, grabbing hold of the banister as he caught up with her, grabbing her around the waist as he twirled her around, her giggle echoing off the walls of the house as she tipped her head back in a mighty laugh.

"No banister sliding in my house!" Derek exclaimed as he turned her upside down, tickling her as she squealed in laughter. His head snapped toward the stairs when the sound of the doorbell rang through the house, and he twisted to let her feet touch the floor and laughed. "Look... look what you've done now... the banister police have come to arrest you..." He said as he shook his head.

"Banister police? There's no such thing!" She exclaimed gleefully, racing toward the stairs. "There's no such thing!"

"If there was no such thing, then who is at the door, Miss smarty pants?" Derek said as he followed her down the steps, her hand on the doorknob as she looked up at Derek, and waited for him to nod as he approached the door as well.

And with any princess and dragon duo...

She swung the door open and a bright grin adorned the little girl's face as she held her arms out. "Miss Kara!" She squealed excitedly as she held her arms up and giggled, as the woman behind the door stepped forward and enveloped the little girl in her arms, looking up at Derek as he stand scratching his messy hair as it stand on end. He had put on a t-shirt and was wearing sweatpants, but he looked like he had obviously just woken up.

There had to be a good friend to get them through some of the rough spots.

"Nice hair, Derek." She said with a giggle as he gave her a lopsided grin, and watched her shake her head, looking behind her as Carrie came bounding up the stairs with two duffle bags in her hands. Kara gave Zoey a hug and she grabbed one of the bags from Carrie.

He smoothed his hair out as he shook his head, moving to the side to allow the three girls to enter his house as he laughed. "Hey, I just woke up... what are you doing here so early anyway? The recital isn't until tonight..."

"Oh Derek..." Kara rolled her eyes as she leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek as she passed him. "We have two little girls to get ready... and you think this will be an easy task."

"So... put her hair up and... her tutu on, and she's ready to go." Derek shrugged as Kara laughed in his face as she followed the two girls into the kitchen.

"Um... no." She said as she shook her head and stepped into the kitchen, the girls having put their bags on the side of the counter as they both climbed up onto the barstools in the kitchen to watch the two adults discuss the intricacies of 'ballerina' etiquette.

"They need to be dressed and all made up before they get there... and it takes an hour from here to get to the concert hall... you have to pick up Meredith by two, and you probably don't even have Zoey's things packed and ready to go... Are you sure you want her to stay at Meredith's tonight? Are you sure you're ready for that? It's a really big step, and I don't know if you are ready to handle that... " She asked, finding his eyes unfocused on hers as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You talk really fast." He said as he suddenly felt her hand smacking down on his chest, a smile rising on his lips as he turned toward the cupboard.

"I'm serious, Derek." Kara replied.

"I know you're serious... you're always serious... but you know what? I don't have time for serious right now... not before I have had my sugary cereal. Have you had breakfast?"

"Yes." Kara said as she gave Derek a fake irritated look, watching his smile make his eyes sparkle.

"No!" Carrie exclaimed with a laugh as her mother turned her head and raised her eyebrows. "I mean yes." She said with a giggle as she and Zoey laughed.

"Well, a little bowl of cereal never hurt anyone... and I haven't eaten yet... and Zoey here hasn't eaten yet... and God knows I have to have a full cup of coffee before I listen to you talking ten miles a minute." He said as he watched Kara's smirk turn into a slight frown as she shook her head at him.

"Denial, Derek." Kara said as she shook her head.

"Yes, Kara... A lovely river this time of year..." He said as he turned around and grabbed the coffee pot. He poured a cup of coffee and handed it off to her as he reached for another cup in the cupboard, turning his smirk away from the woman as he began his morning 'his' way.

Even if the dragon didn't want to admit that there were any.

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