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Drake had two loves in his life... the tiny princess, and the Queen... and though he usually kept his love for the queen very quiet... she knew that he loved her. The way he took care of the princess, doted on her... and was willing to go to great lengths to make sure that she was never sad... and the Queen saw how he did the same for her.

The audience was dark as the last few dance performances went on, the sound of the doors in the back went unnoticed as Derek walked down the aisle toward the handicapped accessible aisle where he had been seated with Meredith, Mark, and Cristina. He put his finger to his lips, shushing Zoey with a smirk that gave her a grin. They walked up behind the three of them and plopped down in Derek's chair. He laughed as Meredith jumped, making a slight squeaking noise as she looked to her side and smiled at his grin, her eyes instantly moving to the little girl in his arms.

"Mama..." She said out loud, her eyes widening as she watched Meredith carefully hush her as she reached her arms out for her. "I mean, Mama..." She whispered softly as Derek carefully placed the little girl in her mother's lap, watching as her arms wrapped around her mother's neck.

He smiled when he watched Meredith's arms embrace the little girl, one thing that he never tired of seeing. He carefully lifted the flowers from beside Meredith in the wheelchair, knowing that Zoey hadn't seen them yet, he didn't want them crushed by the little girl, who was now kissing her mother's cheek.

"Oh, Mama... did you see me out there?" She asked, moving back so that she could attempt to see Meredith's eyes in the reflection of the lights on the stage. "Did you see me?" She whispered.

"I didn't take my eyes off of you once." Meredith said, tipping her forehead forward as she listened for that tender giggle. "I saw you up there, dancing your little heart out... I am so proud of you." She whispered.

"Hey, Man... I'm proud of you..." Mark said as Derek looked up with a sheepish grin to his friend.

"Thanks, man..." He said as he rolled his eyes, glancing to Meredith who was still holding Zoey to her as they whispered to one another.

"I was scared, Mama." She whispered. "I was scared when it got dark... but DD saved me, he saved me." She whispered as if Meredith were the only person that could hear her. Derek watched Meredith glance to Derek, a sly smile on her lips as she brought her attention back to her daughter.

"He's a good guy, that DD, isn't he?" She asked as Zoey nodded her head and giggled.

"Uh huh... and he danced on stage, did you see? I had to teach him the duckling dance." She giggled softly as she smiled.

"I saw..." She said with a smile. "I'm so proud of you, little one. So, so very proud."

"That's what DD said." She smiled. "He said you were proud of me, then I had to do the duckling song."

"Hey..." Derek said, tapping Meredith softly as he leaned in slightly, the three of their heads together as Meredith took his offered hand. "You want to get out of here? We can get to the ice cream place before everyone else in this auditorium." He said softly as he watched Meredith think about it for a minute.

"Sure." She said, glancing to Mark, she nodded toward the door and Mark and Cristina nodded.

"Alright..." Derek said with a smile as he pulled the flowers out and pretended to be surprised. "Oh! Look at this..." he whispered, faux surprised as the little girl's eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!" She said, perhaps a little too loud, but none of them cared at the moment. "Are those for me?" She whispered, glancing to Derek and back to Meredith

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