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Princess Floyd was a brave young girl, her heart was big as it was strong. She was not afraid of much, especially when Drake was around. Without Drake, she was typically shy, quiet, but always smiling. She had many friends, other princesses that enjoyed to dance and giggle and play, but she rarely went too far from Drake. He was her protector, he was the one that never let anything bad happen to her again.

He promised.

A flurry of pink taffeta filled the room. Little girls giggling and talking as they ran from friend to friend laughing, giggling. The chaperones in the room were hushing them when the noise became a little louder, and the youngest of the different dance classes waited patiently for their turn. They were given the five minute warning, and Zoey found herself being shuffled into line with her other dance classmates. She hopped in excitement as she smiled and giggled, her cheeks rosy red with blush and excitement, her giggle infectious as the other girl's giggle.

Kara walked up to her daughter and Zoey, putting their hair in place as the little girls smiled up at her. "DD is here, right? He's here with mommy, right?" the little girl squealed a little as she hopped.

"He sure is." She said with a smile as she gave the little girl a tender poke on her nose, the excitement and eagerness of the little girls was just seeping from their pores. They were smiling excitedly and talking about what they would all be doing after the recital. "He called me from the audience... to let me know that they had made it on time, and he said he's so excited to watch you."

"Oh goody! Is Mister Mark here too?" She asked as she smiled.

"Yep." She smiled. "He's here too." Kara said, watching the excitement in the little girl's face as she moved down the line, counting to make sure that all of the little girls were in place. Carrie had been in dance since she was three years old, so Kara had eventually graduated up to stage mother at the recitals. Derek had been very excited about this, knowing that the little girl that he loved so much would be well taken care of behind the scenes.

The door to the room opened, and one of the stage hands stepped inside. "Alright, we're ready for the little pink flamingos." He said as he referred to the song title that the youngest children would be dancing to. They were suddenly led past the stage hand and into the wings of the backstage.

Zoey looked around nervously, the big stage and new colors, sounds and this eager new experience were beginning to become a bit overwhelming. She was excited, but she couldn't help but feel just a little anxious. She swallowed hard and looked to her friend Carrie, who was smiling and reaching for her hand. Instead of being worried, she decided it would be best if she just tried to have a good time, so she grabbed hold of Carrie's hand and let her lead her where she was going onto the stage.

Princess Floyd typically wouldn't talk about her worries or fears. Not that anyone wouldn't listen, there were plenty of people to listen... but sometimes the worries and fears were proven to be nothing, and she didn't have to worry for long most times. She would let down her guard, go with the flow, and not give in to them. The only problem with that though...

Derek held Meredith's hand as they watched the different dance classes come out and do their routines on the stage. They laughed at some of the songs, impressed with some of the older student's dance moves. Mark watched the two of them, laughing and enjoying themselves together, silently wondering when his friend would just take the plunge and have her move in with him.

Since Meredith had woken up and begun her therapy sessions, Derek had taken a step back. Her recovery was first and foremost in his mind, and though he loved her very, very much, their relationship had never gone farther than a dinner out with Zoey, and the occasional kiss. He had asked Derek why he was holding back, and his answer was always the same, that she was not his to claim. The situation was messy and confusing, but Meredith was a beautiful young woman, and Derek was a little younger, but from the smile on his friend's face, Mark could tell that he was smitten with the woman, and for the life of him couldn't figure out why he just wouldn't admit it to himself.

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