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Sometimes hope was there... present with the bounding princess...

Meredith heard the pounding of the feet before she actually saw the bright eyes of the little girl in her doorway. As soon as she reached the doorway, however, she stopped. A gasp was emitted from the tiny pink lips of the girl, and her grin brightened up the room immediately. "DD! You're here!" She exclaimed as she ran into the room, scrambling up the bed, she crawled over his back and hugged him as he groaned from his position on his side, his arm draped around Meredith as his eyes opened slowly.

"You saw me last night..." He mumbled. "You yelled at me, don't you remember."

"I thought I was dreaming!" She giggled as she flopped onto her knees, and then onto her back on the empty spot behind Derek. "Oh goodness, goodness... Mommy and DD in the morning!" She exclaimed with a giggle. "This is like a dream come true!" She squeaked as she rolled off the bed and pounded around the bed to Meredith's side, noticing that her mother's eyes were open as she smiled softly.

"A dream come true, huh?" Meredith said in a sleepy voice, humored by the little girl's excited behavior as she leaned forward and caught an eskimo kiss from the little girl as their noses rubbed together.

"Yes!" She giggled as she kissed Meredith. "Mama... how is your head feeling?"

"It's much better." Meredith said softly, trying not to alarm Derek, knowing how protective he could be. "Thank you..."

"You had a headache?" Derek asked in a low groan as he leaned over Meredith and kissed her cheek, watching the little girl's eyes pass to her mother's and then to his, a look of almost fear crossed her features.

"Yes." Meredith replied. "Just... just a little headache." She whispered.

"Its feeling better now?" He whispered, touching her head with his hand, running his thumb across the back of her head, he felt a slight bump. "Meredith, did you fall?" He whispered.

"No." She swallowed, turning her head, it rubbed against the pillow and she winced.

"You're lying to me." He said softly.

"Derek, I'm fine."

"She's okay, DD... she only fell asleep for a couple seconds after she fell down. It was my fault." Zoey whispered.

"Fell asleep?" Derek said, pulling away from Meredith, he let her roll onto her back as she looked up at him, she looked nervous as he gave her a scrutinizing look. "What does she mean fell asleep? Meredith... what happened last night? What aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing happened last night, Derek. It's fine... I'm fine, she's fine... it was an accident..."

"She's saying that you fell, Meredith. You were knocked out... that's a big deal, that's a big deal, Meredith." He said, rolling off the bed, he stood up.

"Derek... please..." Meredith said, reaching for him. "I'm alright..."

"Meredith, if you couldn't handle her, you should have called me." He said sternly, glancing to Zoey, who was shifting from foot to foot anxiously. She could see that Derek was getting increasingly agitated, and it was making her very nervous. "Zoey, go get dressed..."

"No..." Zoey whined. "No, DD... you said we're having breakfast with mommy..."

"We will have breakfast with mommy, go get dressed." He said, raising his eyebrows as he spoke, the little girl hopped on her feet.

"DD... I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push mommy... I didn't mean to push her... I'm sorry."

"She pushed you?" Derek asked. "Zoey, go get your clothes on now." Derek said, raising his voice a little more as the little girl winced. "Now." He said, trying not to sound angry, but also showing her that he was being serious. The little girl whimpered and turned from the room, running quickly down the hallway. "Meredith." He said as the young woman looked up at Derek with worried eyes. "I told you that if you couldn't..."

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