Worst Rival Returns Part: 6

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Summary: Lois and Clark allow Kara to go to school unless she still feels weak from Kryptonite poisoning unbeknownst to them Jimmy, Sean, Siobhan and Timmy are planning to torture Kara and injure her like Superman when he was weakened by Kryptonite gas and got hurt. Will she tell Jordan and Clark not to breathe it in since he was already weakened by it? Will she try to protect them from inhaling it so they can play football and not worry about her?

Once morning comes I wake up go across the hall to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and hair I often wear in a ponytail with long parted bangs, wear pale face makeup, peach eye shadow around my eyelids, under my eyebrows, above my cheekbones and wear red lipstick.

"I have to make sure Jimmy, Sean, Siobhan and Timmy don't end up hurting me again I'm still recovering from Kryptonite poisoning" I said.

After I get my hair and makeup done, I walk into my room, to my closet, pick out my favorite outfit and comfortable shoes put them on fast, grab my backpack, walk downstairs, into the dining room. I see Sam, Lois, Jon, Jordan and Clark and smile they smile back. I have my lunch ready. Sam and Lois talk to me.

"Are you sure your not still weak from the Kryptonite poisoning because if you are you can stay home" Sam said.

"If anything happens in school just call us we will be there as will Jon, Jordan and Clark" Lois said.

I hug and kiss them goodbye. Jonathan, Jordan, Clark and I head out the door, into the truck and head to school being real quiet. They are worried about me.

"If we are in class Jordan can hear you but if he's busy than dad can hear you" Jon said.

"Yeah like i said we are family we help each other" Jordan said.

Clark looks at me.

"Kara what's bothering you?" Clark said.

I look at them.

"I know we help each other I just have a bad feeling that's all I'm fine if I'm not I will let you know" I said.

Jonathan, Jordan and I walk into school and head down the hall to our lockers. I see Tegan and Sarah walk over to us Clark is with Coach Gaines.

"Hey guys how are you?" Tegan said.

"I see Kara is fine but she looks worried" Sarah said.

I look at them.

"I am worried I'm fine I fully recovered but something doesn't feel right to me" I said.

They look at me.

"What doesn't feel right?" Jon said.

"Yeah we can help" Jordan said.

I see Jimmy, Sean, Siobhan and Timmy walk over to us. I get angry but stay calm for Tegan, Sarah, Jon and Jordan's sake.

"What do you jerks want and Siobhan what are you doing here I thought you were still in National City I live here with my family so you can leave but you have to see Principal Balcomb because if your a new student you have to go through the transition to make it final" I said.

They look at me.

"Oh just to bully and torture you again" Jimmy said.

"Yeah also assault you Sean said.

"Yeah we will never stop" Timmy said.

"I was but came here I can be a cheerleader I really like these boys ok I will go see her, become a student, have class with all 3 of them and kill you" Siobhan said.

I look at them.

"Yeah right not going to happen you already tried to kill me in National City but go ahead be a cheerleader and hangout with these jerks Jimmy, Sean, Timmy, Tegan, Sarah, Jon and Jordan this is Siobhan these are my friends, family and 3 perverts" I said.

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