Family Bonding Part: 1

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Summary: Kara is living with Lois, Jonathan, Jordan and Clark on the Kent Farm she will be going to high school with them and see how they play Football and see their neighbors. Will Tegan and Sarah befriend her or will she be alone? Will Jimmy, Timmy and Sean flirt, bully, touch and sexual assault her? Will Jon and Jordan see her use her powers like Jordan and Clark?

Once morning comes, I wake up go across the hall to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and hair I often wear in a ponytail with long parted bangs, wear pale face makeup, peach eye shadow around my eyelids, under my eyebrows, above my cheekbones and wear red lipstick.

"I can't wait to live with my cousin and his family in Smallville on the Kent Farm it's going to be so much fun, peaceful and quiet" I said.

After I get my hair and makeup done, I walk into my room, to my closet, pick out my favorite outfit and comfortable shoes put them on over my Supergirl costume, grab my suitcase with my extra clothes and accessories, walk out of my room grab my backpack, put my lunch in it then put it over my shoulders walk out the door and fly all the way to Smallville.

"I am going to have so much fun" I said.

I finally get there, land at the Kent Farm, see Lois walk over to her and hug her she hugs me back. We walk up the stairs, open the door, walk in, close the door and sit at the dining room table talking while waiting for Clark to come back. I really love this house I wonder what room would be my bedroom.

"Hi Lois, nice to see you again I really hope Clark doesn't mind me living with you it's really quiet here I know you have 2 sons who are my first cousins will they be happy that I'm staying with you?" I said.

"Nice to see you again Kara I know he won't mind after all you are family yeah it is really quiet here yeah we do Jonathan and Jordan Kent they are really nice kids I'm sure they will love having you here" Lois said.

Clark walks into the house and sees Lois and me talking. I get out of the chair and hug him he hugs me back.

"Hey Kara I missed you so much I'm glad your here" Clark said.

I smile at him.

"I missed you so much too yeah I like it here it's really quiet I brought all my clothes, accessories and schoolbooks with me so I'm all set" I said.

Lois, Clark and I are talking and figuring out where my room will be since Jonathan and Jordan have their own rooms which will give them privacy. Maybe I will get the spare room upstairs.

"We have a spare room upstairs that can be her bedroom she needs privacy too?" Clark said.

"I know she will go to school with Jonathan and Jordan she will try to blend in but she's like you a Kryptonian and Supergirl" Lois said.

Jonathan and Jordan arrive home and see their parents and me talking. They sit down and wait patiently. Lois and Clark see them and smile.

"Hey guys this is my cousin Kara Danvers she's your (paternal first cousin once removed) she's going to be living here with us" Clark said.

"Yeah she is also going to school with you she is family make sure she has a good first day but just check on her when you can to make sure she is ok if she isn't just bring her back home?" Lois said.

Jonathan and Jordan smile and hug me I hug them back.

"Welcome home Kara" Jonathan said.

"Yeah we will help you when your in school just in case something bad happens" Jordan said.

Jonathan and Jordan head upstairs to their rooms to get ready for bed. Lois and Clark get my room ready upstairs then head to their room to get ready for bed. I fall asleep fast since I am really tired. Once Morning comes, they are already downstairs eating breakfast and waiting for me so we can go to school.

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