Family Get-Together Part: 18

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Summary: The Kent's are having a Family Gathering at the farm where they have fun, hangout, talk, eat and drink hoping it helps Kara forget about the trauma she went through being kidnapped a lot, imprisoned at the DOD twice, beat up, weak, powerless by Kryptonite gas and Kryptonite, injured a lot, and hospitalized. She has flashbacks of the event that happened twice and tries to forget about it. Will she have fun with her family and friends? Will she find her pet cat Streaky and reunite with him? Will she recover from her injuries and trauma? Will they find out she has PTSD? Will she finally get her powers back?

Once morning comes I wake up go across the hall to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and hair I often wear in a ponytail with long parted bangs, wear pale face makeup, peach eye shadow around my eyelids, under my eyebrows, above my cheekbones and wear red lipstick.

"I just hope I don't have flashbacks from the trauma I went through" I said.

After I get my hair and makeup done, I walk into my room, to my closet, pick out my favorite outfit and comfortable shoes put them on fast, grab my phone walk downstairs, into the dining room I see Sam, Lois, Jon, Jordan and Clark I smile they hug me I hug them back.

"Everything is ready for the family gathering we made sure we had everything" Sam said.

"Yeah now we just have to wait for Hank, Jimmy, Tegan, Eliza, Kyle, Lana, Sophie and Sarah to come then we can get started" Lois said.

Sam, Lois, Jon, Jordan, Clark and I head outside and wait for them to show up, Sam is cooking on the grill while Lois is making sure we didn't forget anything. Jon, Jordan and Clark are talking to me making sure I am ok and hope this helps so I can have fun, forget about what I went through, hope I get my powers back and slowly recover from my injuries.

"We just want to make sure your ok and have fun trying to forget the trauma you went through" Jon said.

"Yeah your slowly healing from your injuries try not to worry everything will be ok" Jordan said.

Clark looks at me.

"Kara are you ok what's bothering you?" Clark said.

I look at him.

"I'm fine just wish these injuries would heal faster if I had my powers I would heal faster let's see nightmares and flashbacks reliving the trauma I went through" I said.

Clark smiles at me but is worried.

"Your powers will come back if not I will take you to the yellow sun that will help them come back you shouldn't be having nightmares and flashbacks of the trauma you went through but you will get through it we will help" Clark said.

Jimmy, Hank, Eliza, Tegan, Kyle, Lana, Sophie and Sarah finally arrive, park their cars, unbuckle their seat belts, open the doors, get out closing the doors walk over to Sam, Lois and Clark while, Tegan, Sophie and Sarah walk over to Jon, Jordan and me we get to talking.

"Hey guys ready to have some fun?" Tegan said.

"Yeah I see Kara is still slowly healing I hope she will have fun with us" Sarah said.

"Maybe we should see if the food is ready I'm hungry" Sophie said.

Jon and Jordan look at them.

"Yeah I'm ready we could eat first" Jon said.

"Yeah she is still slowly healing she will she just needs a little time to herself I will tell them not to worry about Kara" Jordan said.

Tegan, Jon, Jordan, Sarah and Sophie walk over to them to see if the food is ready since they are hungry. Hank, Jimmy, Kyle and Clark are talking as are Eliza, Lana and Lois. They see Tegan, Jon, Jordan, Sarah and Sophie over by the grill waiting to get some food. They notice that I am resting and are worried about me.

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