Room Zero

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Open on the exterior of a large blue-grey structure on a snowy planet. Fade to a ventilation shaft where Grif and Simmons can be heard arguing...

Grif (off-screen): I think we're going the wrong way.

Epsilon (off-screen): How would you know? You've never even been here before.

Grif (off-screen): You've never been here before, either.

Epsilon (off-screen): Well, I'm not the one telling people they're going the wrong way.

Grif (off-screen): Shut up.

Epsilon (off-screen): You shut up. Let's all shut up. How about that?

Delta (off-screen): This arguing is doing nothing to improve out odds.

Simons (off-screen): Blame Grif for out fucking odds he drove it into the building.

We then see Epsilon, Simmons, Delta and Grif in all their animated glory. Simmons is seen holding a Windows tablet.

Epsilon: Simmons, what does that thing say? Where are they holding Sarge, Alex, Tucker,  and Tex prisoner?

Simmons' device shows a long illuminated hallway, with sergeant and cowboy hat icons next to the 'prison'.

Simmons: Says here: Section 1,157.

Epsilon: What section are we in now?

The tablet pans out to show multiple rooms around their area.

Simmons: Umm, section zero.

Delta: Our odds are at 30% chase of making it and 5% chance of surviving.

Grif: Aw, crap. That's like a million sections away! 

Epsilon: We have to fight our way through this whole place? They'll be dead by then!

Simmons: Maybe not. You see this?

Simmons points, and the camera spins quickly to show a holographic, circular tunnel.

Simmons: It says that access tunnel cuts right into the mountain. It looks like a pretty straight run... but it's loaded with guards.

Epsilon: How long is it?

Simmons: Um... whoa. Uh, almost a kilometer.

Delta: This dose not improve our odds. 

Grif: So, our choices: a bunch of small rooms filled with a ton of enemies, or one long room filled with a ton of enemies, or we could give up. I say we give up.

Epsilon takes the tablet from Simmons Delta walking over  as he looks at Grif, and Church begins typing on it.

Simmons: Grif, we can't stop now, we're only in the first room!

Grif: No, according to what you said, we're not even in the first room! We're in room 0. But it's okay, Simmons, we did our best. No one could possibly ask any more of us.

Delta: I got an idea. Simmons...

Epsilon, Delta, and Simmons can be heard secretly whispering a plan to each other while Grif watches suspiciously.

Grif: Hey, what are you guys talking about? That doesn't sound like surrendering. Let me see.

Grif approaches them, but Simmons raises a hand quickly to stop him.

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