From Stumbled Beginings

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Vic: So, what better place to start than the beginning? Well, you could get all artsy and start somewhere in the middle. All the cool directors do that. Get you all excited. You're like, "Whoa dude! What's goin' on, man? Why's that guy shooting that other guy?" Then they all do that rewind thing. Tell the tale, lay the breadcrumbs, roll the credits. Classic! But how about we start... before the beginning?

The words "From Stumbled Beginnings" float into frame.

A drum roll is heard and comes into view with soldiers running drills. View of a red drill leader and a group of recruits running across a bridge.

Hammer: Time to put the hammer down, boys! Let's make the lieutenant proud.

Simmons is seen just standing in the middle of the bridge.

Hammer: Simmons, what are you doing?!

Simmons: Oh God, this is my nightmare!

Hammer: Come on, man, you can do it! Just keep moving.

Alex stops and sighs and turns around pushing past Hammer and walking onto the bridge.

Simmons: But I already stopped! If I move now, my chances of falling off and breaking every bone in my body increase dramatically!

Alex: Why are you standing there uh Simmons right.

Simmons: Yes and I'm extremely terrified to move even more so now that your in my way.

Grif appears running onto the bridge behind Simmons.

Grif: (Gasping for breath) Hey guys... Whew! Thanks for... Thanks for waiting up.

Alex: Hey Grif.

Grif: Hey Alex.

Simmons: How do you two know each other!?

Alex: Same red squad and a cafeteria food fight.

Hammer: Grif! We are not waiting for you!

Grif: (Still panting) Hey dude, what's the holdup?

Simmons: I just need a minute.

Hammer: Don't let the CO down, Simmons, Alex!

Simmons:​ (whimpers) I'm torn between my two great loves: being alive and pleasing a superior.

Alex: Ok your a kiss ass.

Simmons: I hate you alredy.

Hammer: Just whatever you do, don't look down.

Grif: Huh, what's that down there?

Alex: Grif!

Simmons looks down

Simmons: Oh God!!

Hammer: God damn it.

Alex: Why did you do that!

Grif: Nice! I guess we just live up here now, right? What's your name again?

Simmons: (gags) I'm gonna throw up in my helmet.

Grif: Eh, it doesn't matter. I'm Grif, by the way, and I think this is the beginning of a singularly beneficial relationship where you get me out of all these stupid boot camp drills.

Alex: Ya he's lazy and has been doing the same with me I've only been putting up with him out of pity.

Grif: Exactly.

Red Vs Blue season 14 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now