Caboose's Guide To Making Friends

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inking of hitting you all with the origin of--

Caboose interrupts

Caboose: Friendship.

Vic: Uh, whoa, dude, how did you get in here?

Caboose: I used the door.

Vic: You used the door? To get into this fourth wall-breaking episode prologue? You found a door to do that?

Caboose: Yes. It was next to the broken window by the men's restroom.

Vic: ...I am not even mad, color me impressed!

Caboose: Thank you.

Vic: So did you... did you have a, story or something dude?

Caboose: Ah yes, thank you for asking.

Vic: Well alright, blue amigo, the floor is yours

Screen briefly buzzes, then replaced with a white paper canvas. The title Caboose's Guide to Making friends is misspelled as "Cabose's Gide 2 Making Frends" (with a few backwards letters). Ukulele and kazoo music starts playing. A simple drawing of Caboose appears

Caboose: Hello. My name is Caboose.

Arrow points to him saying "me"

Caboose: Um, excuse me, um yeah I said uh Caboose?

"me" gets scribbled out and "Cabose" is written above it

Caboose: Thank you. And so, uh anyway, for a really long time, I lived in a canyon.

Background changes to a drawn version of Blood Gulch with "Blood Valley" written above it

Caboose: And it was pretty great. I had friends.

Drawn versions of Church, Ava, Will, Tucker, and Tex appear

Caboose: -whispering- They really liked me.

Church, Will, Ava Tucker, and Tex take a quick step back, pause for a second and dash away

Caboose: Yeah now I know what you are thinking... but...

Highly detailed drawing of Caboose's helmet appears in an extreme close up while creepy music plays

Caboose: Not because I am psychic.

Scene changes back to "Blood Valley"

Caboose: You are thinking, "Caboose, how did you get so good, at making friends? I like to make friends too! We could have sandwiches together.

Another drawn Caboose head with "So gud" appears along with a circled "Frends" and a drawing of a sandwich

Caboose: Well, I will tell you... but only if you share those sandwiches... and that they are peanut butter.

Blood Valley is erased

Caboose: First, you need to know what makes good friend material.

A drawn ball of cotton appears

Caboose: Cotton is most people's favorite friend material, mainly because it is soft.

Caboose falls onto the giant ball of cotton with a squeak

Caboose: But in my personal experience, it catches on fire pretty easy.

Caboose and the giant ball of cotton catch fire

Caboose: Other friend materials you may want to avoid are:

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