Chapter 1

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Fionna's POV:

It's probably morning. I could hear the birds chirping outside and some rays of the sun are shining on me so I covered myself with a blanket.

"Pst, Fionna." a voice said while I was sleeping. I just groaned in response and faced the other direction.

"Fionna!" The voice shouted that made me wake up. I looked around the room to find where the voice came from then I saw a cat standing on it's hind legs smiling at me."Morning Pumpkin."

Cake, my cat that I treated as my sister.(>^ω^

"Good morning Cake." I greeted her as I rubbed my eyes. Then I remembered something which made me wide awake.

"*gasps* Cake! You're not supposed to be talking remember?! And standing on two feet?! Queen Simone might kill us!" I yelled at Cake.

She just rolled her eyes "I know Sugar. Besides the queen isn't even here. She's too old to hear us far away too." Cake said, making me giggle at the last part.

I started to get ready for a long day of hard work. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed.

"Cake, be a normal cat, okay?" I commanded Cake.

"Fine. You're lucky I love you." Cake said as she stood on four legs and practicing to meow.

"Aww... I love you too, Cake but right now you have to be my cute cat." I said to Cake as I pet her. She just smiled at me.

"You ready?" I asked Cake. She just me owed in response."Good Kitty."

"Ok here we go." As soon as I opened the door, I saw queen Simone, Marceline and Flame outside my bedroom looking very angry.

Oh well. I'm used to it anyways. Another day of pain and hard work I thought to myself.


Hi!!! So that was chapter 1 I will update tomorrow it might take awhile because I'm having a hard time rewriting it but thank you for reading this again to continue this story.Tomorrow I will update chapter 2,3 and a new chapter. Bye.

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