Chapter 2

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Fionna's POV:

Oh Glob. What did I do this time?

"Uhh...Good Morni-" I got cut off by Marceline slapping me across the face, while smirking.

"You're late." The three said in unison in annoyed tone.

"What? It's only like 8:00 in the morning. I mean how's that late?" I asked because I'm actually 30 minutes early.

Instead of answering my question they threw me a huge basket with a long piece of paper in it.

"Buy everything on that list or you're out of this house." Flame said.

"Uhhh... Okay Cake let's go." I said I walked towards the door. As soon as we we're outside Cake said

"Oh Glob,it's hard to act like a regular cat. If I was allowed to talk, I would've yelled over that Queen's disgusting face." Cake said as she grimaced.

I giggled "Come on we have to buy all..." I said while looking at the list to see how many items it has "60 items." I continued.

"What?! That many?!" Cake asked shocked. I just nodded. "Then we gotta go go go go go." She said as she started running.

"Cake,wait up!" Then I followed Cake. Soon enough we we're at the grocery store.

/Grocery Store/

After looking around on what seems like for two hours, Cake and I were almost finished.

"Ok Cake,we only need 10 items left then we're done." I said cheerfully. Cake sighed in relief.

"Fionna I'm going to look for the other stuff so we can finish early." Cake suggested. I nodded then we parted ways.

While I was carrying a butt load of stuff, I bumped into someone making me let go of EVERYTHING that I was carrying.

"Oh my Glob. Oh my Glob. I'm so sorry." The guy who bumped into me said as he stretched out his arm. I was hesitant at first but I eventually took it.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically when I regained my balance.

I just stared at him. He was gorgeous! He had jet black hair, greenish skin, and he wore blue jeans and a red and black checkered shirt.

"Uhh... I'm so sorry by the way." He said shyly. It was kind of cute.

"No don't be. It's my fault anyway."

"No,it's mine. I wasn't looking where I was going." He protested. I nodded in defeat.

I was about to introduce myself when Cake came.

"Sweetie, I found everything we need let's go." Cake said. Before I could respond, she dragged me to the counter, paid for everything we have, and went home.

/Castle - Kitchen/

Cake and I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

"Fionna, who was the guy you were talking to earlier?" Cake asked. I don't know why, but I smiled.

"I never really got his name. I just bumped into him, I was about to introduce myself actually, but you came." I said, trying to make a negative vibe. After a while, she didn't respond. I just ignored her and continued making breakfast.

I wonder if I could meet him again...

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