Chapter 7

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Fionna's POV:

"She said what?!" Cake yelled. I covered her mouth preventing for any other noises come out from her. The queen (and the twins) might hear her.

"Shh, they might hear us."

She immediately slapped away my hand from her mouth and rolled her eyes at me with her arms(legs?) folded in front of her. "I don't care. You know how much I care for you and I don't want anyone talking to you like that. Even if they're royalty." She replied and I remained silent.

"I really wanted to go there though. It would be an awesome experience. I've been stuck inside this castle for quite a long time now." I sighed.

Cake sighed also "Stay here. I need to make a phonecall." Then she walked towards the corner of my room. That's weird. Cake knows other people?

Then suddenly a large amount of wind made way to my room and spat out a girl with pink hair. Her skin was a pale shade of pink too "Greetings, fair maiden."

"Who- who are you?"

"I, am you fairy Globmother."

"A what?"

Before she could repeat herself, Cake butted in "Enough with the introductions. Bonnibel is one of my friends. You still want to attend right?" I nodded. "Good. So I called her so she could help you get ready for the ball."

"Really? Oh my Glob, oh my Glob. I can't believe this. But... How?" -Me

"Easy. She'll just use her magic potions of something. Don't worry girl, she'll take care of you." -Cake

"Yes, I will take care of you. I'll make you the prettiest girl there." She gave me a sweet smile then turned to Cake "Cake, how many times do I have to tell you that there is no such thing as magic. Everything can be explained scientifically."

Cake rolled her eyes once more "Yeah whatever... Just make my baby the bell of the ball."

"Very well, let's get started then."


I think I shouldn't promise anything anymore ahehehe I thought that I could finish this one within a day but I was just a lazy writer. Gomene

Well, think of it as a peace offering? For me not updating a long time hehehe

Next chapter will be the ball with Fionna's first dance wiiieee

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