Chapter 6

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Fionna's POV:

"WHAT?!" She yelled out.

She tried to calm herself down. Well, she tried

"Marceline, Flame, what is she talking about?" She questioned the girls, eyebrows twitching with anger.

"Uhhhhmm" they were speechless.

"They said if I finished my chores early AND if I had a gown, I can come with you." I grinned playfully. Not only because I'm happy to go but I want to see what the Queen will do to them. Oh my Glob, what's with my thoughts?

"Uhm, we can explain-"


"What?" They both questioned.

"Go, explain."

They didn't say anything. It was pure silence, you cam even hear crickets in the background. Ugh, it's making my ears numb

"We're sorry..." Was all they said. Tch

"You two do know that there's a corresponding punishment for this right?" That sentence made them gulp. While me? Those words were music to my ears. Them? Punished? Slowly, a smile formed in my mouth.

They nodded their heads. "I will give it to you after the ball." Aww, I was kinda hoping she won't let them attend.

"But for now..."

"Let's have our fun." She then looked at me from head to toe and then smirked. What is she thinking right now?

"Wreck her dress." Right after the queen said that, they suddenly charged towards me, took a part of my dress and tore it off. I was to flustered on what's happening so I couldn't move at all. They kept doing what they were doing until my dress completely looked like... A rag

Queen Simone slowly walked towards me and gave me a devilish grin "I think that suits your image more. You know you shouldn't be a try hard just to keep up with our style. Just give up sweetie, it's just pathetic. This is were you belong, in the bottom. Where no light shines on you because face it, you're just a maid, a slave meant to serve us on the higher rank." Then I heard the twins laugh. It stings. Her words really got to me. I couldn't help but let my tears roll down my cheeks. Maybe she's right, I'm just a low life server.

I kept crying and next thing I knew I was crying in Cake's arms. She asked me what happened to my dress but I couldn't respond because of the hurt that I felt. She's the only one by my side now. She's the only on that could comfort me.

Once I calmed down I told her everything that happened down stairs.


Hehehe it's been a year I think since my last update, right? I'm sorry (╥_╥)

I lost time for this and if ever I had spare time, I just freak out because of school pressure.

So this is what I was able to do... A harsh speech from the queen *awkward laughter* I hope it's okay...

I promise to update tomorrow afternoon or in the late evening

Thank you for reading! I hope you guys are still reading hehe



Bye ^-^

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