The aftermath

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This is gonna be like the last chapter with long ass paragraphs but this is the aftermath of it

Virgo woke up and got out of bed then got dressed and went out to make sure the other signs are ok from yesterday. 'Hm I should check up on cancer see how their doing first.' Virgo thought and walked over to Cancer's room and walked in. "Hey Cancer you ok?" Virgo just walked in not giving a fuck they just wanted to see if cancer was ok from yesterday. "H-HUH?!" Cancer kicked Kagekao out of the bed making him pull the sheets down as well. "Oh my!" Virgo covers their eyes quickly. The rest of the signs were already awake and they ran up to Cancer's room as fast as possible to see what was going on. "ベイビードール どうして私をベッドから追い出したの?"(baby doll why did you kick me off the bed?) Kagekao looks at everyone "なんてこった."(oh fuck.) "Ugh everyone LEAVE!!" Aries and Taurus saw Kagekao's back and started talking about it. Gemini and Leo and Libra stood there wanting fucking answers as to why it was Kage that fuck cancer. Sagittarius,Scorpio, and Aquarius walked away and they did too also started talking about yesterday. Capricorn and Pisces was shocked that it was Kage and ran down to tell everyone not only because they never knew cancer would lose their virginity but to a demon that pranks them often??? Damn Cancer doesn't give a fuck anymore after them and Helen. "Jesus Christ I'm gonna go and get dress you guys! Breakfast is ready!" Virgo said walking away. "Hey Cancer we want answers asshole." Gemini said. "Yea" leo and Libra agreed. "Well your not gonna get the answers your fucking looking for if you guys don't leave!!" Cancer yelled very loud. As soon as they heard Cancer they left closing the door. "ねえ赤ちゃん人形落ち着いて." (hey baby doll calm down)Kage says getting back into bed pulling cancer close to his chest kissing their cheek. "yea but I am hungry since we didn't eat dinner last night..." Cancer yawns and gets out of bed to get dressed and Kage did the same. "私たちがベビードールと付き合っている今、私のニックネームは何でしょう?" (Sooo what would my nickname be now that we are dating baby doll?)"Hmm..Love" "私はそのニックネームが好きです"(i like that nickname) They both got dressed and Kage carried Cancer downstairs due to yesterday/last night. Leo spoke "Guys! I want to make an announcement!" Slender man sighs in disappointment again knowing it's gonna be something stupid. "Go ahead Leo." Everyone looks at Leo and as Kage and cancer arrives to the kitchen Leo speaks with Libra and Gemini behind them. "Our dear friend Cancer is no longer a virgin!" Cancer blushed in embarrassment. "H-Hey I wanted it to happen....I didnt want you guys to tease like you guys did before we all got here." Leo smiles "hey well you weren't the only one who lost their virginity. I lost mine to Puppeteer." Puppeteer stands up and picks up Leo and walks away "Yea and now Leo is gonna have their mouth glued shut." Sally and Lazari started laughing. "Hey Cancer why with Kage tho?" Jeff asked "We all want to know that." Masky added on. "W-Well because I dated this guy name Helen who probably can't even top like Kage can and plus Helen cheated on me for Judge Angels which everyone knows Sagittarius was dating her so." Kage smirked. "そう、それはヘレン、がんになろうとするなという意味です"(Yea that means don't try to get with cancer Helen.)Helen looked down ashamed of himself and judge angels did the same. "Good to know that Helen did that to you cancer and I have a question for Sagittarius." Slender Man spoke as Sagittarius froze up and their eyes widen and they looked up at Slender Man. "Ye-Yes Sir?" "Why did I get told that you and Ej had sex in the kitchen?" Ej smirked. "So what you were told? We were already down here anyways and we didn't feel like going up in my room." Lazari looked at Ej in shock. "Ewwww Ej and Sagittarius made love in the kitchen." "Well we didn't make love exactly we sorta just had a heated make out session." Lazari and Sally didn't want to hear the conversation so they just got up and walked away. Capricorn spoke up "So you guys basically just grinned against each other?" "Yea basically." Masky played the song 'Take My Breath Away' by Berlin and he looked at Virgo smirking at them. "OH MY GOD TIM!" Virgo covers their face in embarrassment because Masky also played the same song yesterday/last night when they were doing their thing. "Take my breath away~" Cancer started singing. Sagittarius jumped in singing with Cancer. "So all of you guys had sex or just made out?" Slender Man spoke "basically yes sir." Virgo replied he sighs in disappointment. Jane held Scorpio. Cody walks downstairs after just waking up and Gemini freezes seeing Cody. "Darlin your awake?" "Yea Gemini I am. How tf can you walk still?" Cody looked around and just now realized that he had said that in front of everyone. "God damnit." Gemini smiles while blushing very hard. "Wait- Gemini you told you guys just cuddled!" Cancer yelled and well I guess Gemini lied.

A few hours go by and everyone is doing their own thing. Cancer and Kagekao pranking everyone. Capricorn,Pisces and Ben playing Mario party, Leo and Sagittarius talking about last night and what happened. Virgo and Masky eating cheese cake because yes 🙌, Eyeless Jack and Puppeteer are also talking about what happened last night and dragged Kagekao into the conversation. "Yea I heard Cancer fucked up his back last night." Ej said "bro he's lucky. Leo didn't do that to me." Puppeteer replied. Kagekao over hearing their conversation he took off his hoodie and mask. "ねぇベビードール~"(Hey Baby Doll~)when he said that it not only got Cancer's attention but everyone looked his way. "Yes Love-?" Cancer blushes as they saw him without his hoodie and mask on. "Ah- LOVE-! Where is your mask and hoodie?!" While Kage was flexing his scratch marks Cancer gave to him last night, Ej, Puppeteer and Masky saw the scratches on Kage's back. "Yo! Dude holy shit! What the hell happened to your back?" Masky shouted. Kage turns around smirking "おー?癌が私に与えた愛の傷?浮気よりも誰かを喜ばせることができることを証明しているので、それらを手に入れてよかったです~"(oh? The love scratches Cancer gave to me? Yea I'm glad I got them because it proves that I can pleasure someone rather than cheating~) he shoots a look over at Helen and Helen got pissed. "Fuck off you wine addicted motherfucker." he said. Ej added on to Kage and said "hey Sagittarius. I've got a question for you." Sagittarius looks over at their new lover and says "yes hun?" Ej replies by saying "can you wipe off the concealer from your neck~?"  Sagittarius blushed like crazy and wiped off the concealer. Judge Angels got mad thinking Ej was hurting Sagittarius. "Did you hurt Sagittarius?!" "Pfft- no but you did-I just gave them hickies and oh boy did they enjoy it~." Leo then remember they never broke up with Dr. smiley but he did cheat on Leo so it's kinda a win win situation for the both of them. "Hey puppet." Puppeteer called out to Leo. "Hm?" Leo turned around to look at puppeteer. "Who's NAME did you scream out last night?" Dr. Smiley looked over at Leo. "Leo honey?"Dr. Smiley said. Leo walked over to puppeteer and sat down next to him. "I screamed your name puppeteer.~" "Ok so your cheating on me Leo?!" Dr.Smiley now filled with rage. "You basically had sex with Nurse Ann! I saw you guys!!" Leo shouted. Cancer and Sagittarius stood up. "and to be honest FUCK YOU Dr. smiley!" Leo yelled at him. Cancer now holding back Leo so they don't try to fight him and Sagittarius shaking their head in disappointment. Judge Angels spoke "Hey Cancer if I gotta be honest your to ugly to get anyone." Cancer being cancer and having a short temper and them being roughly the same height as Judge Angels. So what did cancer do? They got insured about themselves. Now here comes mama Virgo to the rescue. "OI ANGEL BITCH! Fucking talk shit to my kid again and ur ass is going to be six feet under!" Everyone froze in place and stared at Virgo. "Who the hell are you talking to?! Threatening saying 'oH i'Ll pUt yOu sIx fEEt uNdER' like you can't do shit-!" As soon as she said that Virgo threw their knife towards her head but ended up missing. "That's your first Waring bitch." Virgo said while giving a real fucking psycho smirk. "Now you three Helen,Dr.Smiley and Judge Angels walk away from them. NOW." As they walk away leo spoke "oh Dr.Smiley!" Dr.Smiley turned around to see Leo flipping them off. "Go fuck Nurse Ann:)"Leo said and with that Helen, Judge Angels and Dr. smiley just walked away. Scorpio ran up to Sagittarius,Leo and Cancer hugging them "Those assholes better leave y'all alone or else me and Jane will kill them." Cancer smiled and said everything is ok. So everything went back to normal and everyone went back to doing their own thing. While Cancer,Sagittarius,Scorpio,Gemini,and Leo were playing truth or dare in cancer's room.  "So truth or dare Scorpio?~" said Sagittarius. "Dare!" "I dare you to make out with Jane~" "bet" said Scorpio as they got up and went to jane's room. "Hey baby~" "Hello Darling." Jane said while reading a book. Scorpio walked over to Jane and started to kiss her and she kissed back obviously and soon enough they were making out.

And that's it! Back to our normal story lol. Unless you guys like chapters like these then I can continue but for right now I'm gonna keep doing the other chapters. So also word count is 1756 :)

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