Omg Cancer just got stung by a wasp!

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If you didn't read the chapter before this then please read it but other than that enjoy this chapter!

So cancer was playing outside with Sally and Lazari while Jane and Aquarius were picking flowers. "Oooo Cancer you should show us the tricks you can do!" Lazari said,"Girls I'm not flexible anymore my flexibility is gone." Cancer said with a sad tone. "Oh come on show them Cancer. I'm sure you will be fine." Aquarius spoke up smiling at cancer. "Ok...if you guys say so." Cancer then ran and did a cart wheel but forgot that there a wasp nest near them so they accidentally kicked it and a wasp stung their ankle. "OW SHIT! OH GOD EVERYONE INSIDE!" Cancer shouted as Jane, and Aquarius helped Cancer inside. "Slenderman! Nurse Ann! Dr Smily! Cancer got stung by a wasp and their ankle is very swollen!" Lazari and Sally started crying thinking Cancer was deadly allergic to wasps. "Oh dear! Cancer sweetie are you ok?!" Nurse Ann ran over to them thinking they were allergic as well. "No no I'm fine." Cancer said limping over to the couch Ben was at. Cancer feels the sting and screams "AH SHIT OMG OK YEA UMM I NEED SOME HELP." Dr Smily walks over to them and knees down. "Darling you must be careful, your ankle is very very swollen." He said putting an ice pack on their ankle. Gemini runs over to cancer being the over protective best friend they are , "CANCER I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OK?!" Capricorn,Pisces and Leo follows behind thinking Gemini was just being over dramatic. "Gemini they are fine. They are not deadly allergic to anything." Everyone gathered around to see what was happening.

1 day later

"Cancer come on let's go. Your ankle looks fine now!" Sally tries to convince Cancer to get up from the couch and play with her and Lazari. "Well Dr Smily and Nurse Ann said I can't really move on my foot due to my ankle being super swollen." Lazari and Sally thought of a plan to get cancer up from the couch, "ok fine we'll just ask Aquarius and Capricorn." Lazari and Sally ran upstairs and told everyone their plan to get Cancer up from the couch. "bro omg there's nothing good on tv right now." Cancer groans and turns off the tv and plays on their phone until the whole power turned off in the house. "Hey Lazari and Sally this isn't funny! Just because I'm following Nurse Ann and Dr Smily's orders does not mean you have to prank me!" Cancer shouts. They heard all the signs scream in terror and cancer try to run upstairs but failed so they had to limp upstairs. "Ow fuck. This hurts....Guys?! Are you all ok?!" Libra and Sagittarius grabbed Cancer and pulled them into a room. "Ok we don't know what going on because me and Libra were sleeping but when we woke up everyone was screaming Scorpio was yelling and crying, Aires was trying to calm everyone down, Pisces was just playing on their phone, Leo was just watching pieces, Gemini was confused so they started crying with Scorpio, Aquarius and Capricorn were panicking and Virgo was just sitting reading a book and Taurus was trying to look for a flashlight." Sagittarius explained to cancer what everyone was doing until they all heard a noise then Sagittarius and Libra got grabbed and stolen. "SAGITTARIUS?! LIBRA?!" Cancer limped all the way to Aires crying explaining what happened to Sagittarius and Libra and Aires was trying to calm them down. "Hey hey it's ok it's probably just a prank." Everyone was putting on an act because it was just a prank. "Just go and look for them with Leo." Leo looked up at Aires "huh-?" "Go with Cancer and help them find Sagittarius and Libra." Aires said, "alright bet. Come on Cancer." As Leo and Cancer walked outside of the room to look for Sagittarius and Libra, Leo heard a groan and got scared a little. "Umm did you hear something Cancer?" "No why Leo?" Leo was getting paranoid, "ugh nothing it was probably Smile dog sleeping." Leo and Cancer keep walking around. A creepy noise behind them was heard and Leo started sprinting. "IM SORRY BYE CANCER LOVE YOU<3" Leo they shouted as they sprinted away. "What the FUCK! Man now I'm all alone...can't run can't do shit...ugh this sucks." Cancer complained. Cancer kept limping and they felt the couch and decided to sit down so they did. "Ugh...I hate everyone...just because I told Sally and Lazari i wouldn't play with them due to my ankle..." a shadowy figure slowly came about and sadly cancer couldn't see who it was, so they called out to it, "hello? Who's there!" No answer "Who the hell are you? Aquarius? Capricorn? Taurus? Oh wait Gemini! Hey Gemini!" The figure slowly approached cancer. "またゲス恋してみよ〜(take another guess love)" Cancer's eyes widen and got up and started to the front door. "Nope nope not dealing with that bullshit again nope nooooopppppeeeeee nope." As they reached the front door everyone was laughing and Sally and Lazari were standing there upset now that Cancer is running on their ankle. "Mhm. PLAY WITH US!" As the lights turned on Cancer slowly turned around. "Oh son of a bitc"- all the signs and all killers were laughing. Cancer just felt super embarrassed and annoyed at the point. "Fine I'll play with y'all." Cancer rolled their eyes and chuckles. "YAY!" Lazari and Sally both said happily.

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