Chapter 2: Sleepover at the Pine's House

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Hey guys I found out that it won't let me comment or vote for a story just to say if I don't respond to any of u. So just message me if u want to tell me an idea to add or something like that ok :)


~Dipper's PoV~

So today Mabel decided to drag me off to the Gravity Falls bus stop at the beginning of the town. She wanted to see if she can make any new friends, and today, she actually did. Whenever Mabel introduced us, I didn't bother to look up besides whenever she said my name. I didn't even see what she looked like, all I know is her name because I just kept reading. I also didn't mother to listen to what they were saying, so I just shut them out. Until Mabel grabbed me by the wrist and started to drag me away again, causing me to stumble a bit. We went back to the shack and Mabel decided to go play with Waddles out in the front, I guess to wait for (y/n). I walked to the living room and sat on the couch, then began to read the journal. Gruntled Stan said that I should go make friends like Mabel, but the thing he doesn't realize is that I can't make friends! I'm to awkward and shy! I'm grateful to have the friends I do have! Anyways, I heard a crash through the door and saw Mabel flying (running) into the living room screaming, "HEY BRO BRO (Y/N) IS COMING TO SLEEP OVER TONIGHT!!" She has a wide smile upon her face. "And I'm guessing your wanting me to help you prepare for the sleep over. Am I right?" I asked with a blank expression. She nods quickly and drags me to our room to prepare for the sleep over.

~Mabel's PoV~

YAY! (y/n) is sleeping over! I needed to plan stuff for this sleepover! EEEEE IM SO EXCITED!! I know for sure we're going to play truth or dare and we're gonna watch a movie. I ran in the living room and told Dipper the news, he didn't really seem to excited. He's just to caught up in that journal of his. After I told him that (y/n) is sleeping over, I grabbed his arm and brought him upstairs so we can prepare.

~le TimeSkip after there done planning things~

~still Mabel's PoV~

"Ok so we have sweater making, a couple of movies, all of the seasons of Ducktective, possibly truth or dare, aaaaannnnddddd that's all I could think of!" I inform Dipper as he is still not caring. He sighs "I don't understand why you have to drag me in all this". "To help me prepare for the best sleep over EVER!!" I told him excitedly.

~(y/n)'s PoV~

So I just got back to my house and I unlocked the door. I hurried up and ran up to my bedroom to pack for the sleepover at the Mystery Shack. I finished packing and started to head towards my bedroom door with my bag to leave. Then all of a sudden, the room turns different shades of black and gray. Out of nowhere, a yellow triangle with a bow tie, a top hat, a cane appeared. I stared at it in confusion. "What the heck are you?!" I questioned with a little bit of shock. "Calm down kid, the names Bill, Bill Cipher, and I'm an all powerful dream demon." The floating dorito triangle said. "Why do you look like a floating dorito?" I questioned. "Because I just do, and I'm not a dorito." He stated flatly. "Well you look like one and why are you here anyways?" I keep questioning him. "Well I am here because I felt the presence of someone new in this mysterious town, so I decided to check it out." He answered. "Ok well I need to get going, I'm going to a sleepover at my friends house." I grabbed my bag that I dropped on the floor. "And who might these friends be?" He raised his eyebrow. "Dipper and Mabel Pines." I flatly said. "Oh Pine Tree and Shooting Star! It's been a while since I saw them. Meaning I haven't seen them in 2 days.". "Pine Tree and Shooting Star?". "Yeah! That's the nicknames I gave them.". "Oh, ok". "Anyways (y/n), I'll see you in your dreams! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, bye gold byeeeeee" then he disappeared. That just left me in confusion. The color of the room began to fade into its original colors. I thought about it for a minute and left my room, and out of my house, locking the door behind me. I walked to the Mystery Shack and knocked on the door, and immediately the door was opened by Mabel. I smiled and she returned the smile to. "Hey Mabel!". "Hey (y/n)! So are you ready for the big night a head of us?". "Of course!!" I smiled again and she invited me in. We walked passed the living room and up the stairs, to there room. "Hey Dipper, (y/n) is here!" She happily announced to him. He looked up and stared like he saw something strange. Mabel waved her hand in front of Dipper's face to try to snap him out of his trance. "Hellloooooo. Earth to Dipper". "Hm? What?" He shook his head, no longer in the trance. "You were staring at (y/n)". "W-was I? I didn't even n-notice" a light blush spread across his cheeks with an awkward smile. He even chuckled an awkward laugh, it made me giggle a little.

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