Chapter 7: Part Time!!!! (part 2)

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter! Btw I published my short story/OneShots/xReader book. I'm taking requests on it so yeah! ((Drawing done by me :3 btw it's part of the song deCipher, it's a really good song :3))


~(y/n)'s PoV~

Mabel had dragged me away from Dipper and Bill so we can chat a little, and I'm pretty sure Bill said something to get Dipper mad because he somewhat stormed off away from him. ((Oh clueless Reader-chan :3)) Mabel stopped and faced me to ask "So, do you like Dipper or Bill? I think you do because I can see it in your face" she blurted out, making sure only I can hear. By that question it made me blush a tint of pink "W-what?...No I o-only like them as a friend" I was lying, and I think she can tell. "Omg! You do! Which one?" She questioned me again. "Well.....I can't decide...I like them both." I said looking down a little. "Oh ok" suddenly a slow song started to play and she smiled "Well I guess I'll be on my way~" and with that she walked away. And not even a minute later, Bill walked up to me. "Hey (y/n), do you to dance?" he asked, I felt my cheeks heat up a little, thankfully he didn't notice. "Sure" I replied with a smile and he put his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulder, then we started to dance. 'He's a really good dancer, and pretty cute' I think to myself. "Why thank you my dearest~" Bill said, interrupting my thoughts. I blushed "I forgot you can read minds" I giggled nervously. He chuckled with a cute smirk on his face- wait I'm doing it again! Gah! Staph it (y/n)! I mentally slap myself.

He chuckled at my thoughts "You know your quite adorable, especially in that beautiful dress your wearing~ It really brings out your eyes~" he complimented while trying to flirt. I only blushed at the complement, a little speechless if you say so. "Speechless are we?" He chuckled. I giggled at his remark.

After about a minute, the song was over and we stopped dancing. "Hey maybe we should hang out more often" he smiled. I was about to answer when saw Dipper running our way and saying "Hey (y/n)! You wanna hang out?" By the time he got over he had his hands on his knees and he was panting. I giggled and Bill glares at him, but I didn't notice. I looked at Bill and he shrugged and walked off towards Mabel. I smiled "Sure, so what do you wanna do or talk about?" I asked. "Well...I was wondering if you would....l-like to take a walk in the forest with me tomorrow, alone. Ya know so we can spend time together" he finished what he said with a nervous smile. I nodded and smiled "Sounds like a good idea, so what time to you think we should head out?"."How about 4 or 5 in the afternoon?" I nodded and he smiled and we chatted for a while longer.

~Bill's PoV~

Pine Tree decided to come running over so he could 'hang' with (y/n). Man did he annoy me sometimes. I sighed and rolled my eyes then walked away towards Shooting Star to see if she could help me out with the weird feelings I keep getting while I'm around (y/n). "Hey Sh- Mabel, can I ask you something?" She skipped her way to me "Sure what do ya need you Dorito?" She had a goofy smile on her face. I sigh and ask "I need your help, I keep getting these weird feelings in my stomach and this thing *points to heart* whenever I'm around her". "Oh I already knew that you liked her" she smiled (ok let's face it, she always smiling) "W-what, how did you-?!" I get interrupted by her "Oh I know lots of things, and that for a fact I know about! By the way, I can see it in your face" she whispered the last part to me and I gave her a weird look. She only giggled "Look, I'll set something up for you two ok. Just trust me" she then gave me a serious look. "Ok I trust you 'love expert'"."Ok! I'll see you later!" She skipped off, being her perky self. I smiled and walked around, and every once in a while I see some people staring at me. I don't know why there staring, but it's starting to creep me out a bit.....

~Mabel's PoV~

La la la just skipping around for no apparent reason la la la. Dipper all of a sudden came up to me, making me stop skipping in my tracks. "Why hello Sir Dipstick, what are you in need of" I bowed and giggled. He only rolled his eyes "Look Mabel, can you do me a solid and keep Bill away from me and (y/n) all day tomorrow please!"."Hmmmm, for what occasion?" I asked, being my curious silly self. "Well, I kinda wanna spend some time with (y/n) tomorrow, so please" he gave me a pleading face. "Ok bro bro, you have my word!" He smiled and hugged me. "Thank you thank you thank you!!!" He let go of me and I smiled "No problem bro bro!" He smiled and walked off. "Another day, another helping of someone's love life" I smiled to myself.

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