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Jack's POV

It's time for the winter ball , I promised to pick Elsa up at 7:00 pm. I'm so excited , I love her so much even though she probably doesn't love me. Okay it's 6:40 , time to go.


I knock on Elsa's door and hold my breath. " I'll get it! " Anna shouts from the inside. " No , Anna it's probably Jack! " Elsa shouts from the inside. The door opens revealing Anna. " Hey Anna " I say.

" Hello Jack " Anna says. " You know you better give my sister a good time , don't make her cry " she whispers. I nod , to be honest Anna is kind of scary.

" I promise " I say. " Anna move out the way " I hear Elsa say from the other side of the door. Anna sighs and moves giving me one last glare.

" Hey Elsa " I say smiling. " Hello " She says back. She looks so gorgeous with her hair out and her sparkly blue dress.

" You look gorgeous " " Thanks , you don't look to bad yourself " she laughs.

Her laugh is so adorable.

Time skip to the ball

" I wonder who made the ball it's gorgeous " Elsa says. " It's like the person knew what I liked "

" Actually Elsa I helped with the planning and Decorating " I say proud of myself. " Really Jack it's amazing! " she says rather loud.

" On a completely different subject , when are you leaving? " She asks frowning. " Oh...I have to leave on Sunday " I whisper. " Sunday , that's two freaking days away from now! " she yells. " Why are you upset? " I question.

" It's just because you're my boyfriend and I love you " She whispers hugging me. Just then I realise what she says.

" You said you love me " I say smiling. " Oh I guess I did , well it's out now I love you " she says smiling. I spin her around and kiss her.

Finally she says it to me.

This kiss was one of the best kisses we've ever had!

Elsa's POV

So he's leaving on Sunday , great. * note the sarcasm * " So what are you doing tomorrow then? " I ask him.

" I'm going to spend one last day in the town before I leave to go to the airport. " He answers.

I mutter a soft ' oh '

Suddenly a slo song comes on. I lean my head on Jack's chest and move slowly to the music. Why does he have to leave.

Why is life so unfair?!

Before I know it I start crying , god damn it emotions. " Elsa are you crying? " Jack questions. " It's nothing " I say.

" Happy Birthday " Jack says. " How did you know it was my birthday today I didn't tell anyone only Anna knows " I say , shock written on my face.

" Remember the first time we talked when you still hated me , you told me your birthday " he says.

" You still remember that? " I ask , smiling. " Of course it was the first time you were willing to talk to me " Jack laughs. " By the way I got you this "

He opens up a box and inside it is a blue hair ribbon with snowflakes on it , it's gorgeous. " Thank you " I say.

Later after the ball

" So where are you going now? " I ask. " Home to finish Packing " he answers.

Of course. I wish a miracle would happen but life hates me so no nothing good will happen to me.

" Do you mind if I come and help you? " I ask. " Why ? " he asks. " I just want to spend as much time as I can with you before I leave " I smile.

He smiles at kisses my forehead. I love him so much.

At Jack's house

" Hi Emma , I heard you're going to a school in England " I say bending down a bit. She nods. " Well done you must be really smart "

" You're really pretty " She says. " Thanks " I thank. She's so sweet.

" Well Emma she's going to help us pack " Jack says. " Hooray! " she cheers and then continues to whisper something in Jack's ear making him blush.

I wonder what she said. " Anyway Elsa I want to show you something come up stairs with me " Jack says and pulls me upstairs. " oooooh " Emma hoots , making me get flustered.

" Please don't be freaked out " I nod. He starts to make snowflakes in the palm of his hand. I thought I was the only one.

Shock was written all over my face. " I knew I shouldn't have showed you " he mutters. I quickly make a few snowflakes in my hand and throw them up into the air. " I thought I was the only one " I say.

" Well you're not " he smiles. " We're a match made in heaven but that's not stopping us from being torn apart " I whisper , frowning.

" I will find away to let us stay together! " he shouts. " Let's just start packing " I mumble.

We pack for hours on end. We didn't just pack his stuff we packed Emma's aswell so it took quite awhile.

" I should be getting home now " I say and get up. " Bye " Emma and Jack say in unison.

I save goodbye and then walk out the door. I walk all the way home in my dress , not even bothering to look at the people who are staring at me.

Once I get home I knock on the door , I left my keys inside. " Hey Elsa , did you have fun? " Anna asks , after she opens the door. " Kind of " I answer.

" Did Jack do something! I swear to go I'll kill him " she says. " It's just that I'm never going to see him again " I whisper.

" You will I promise " Anna smiles reassuringly.

I give her a fake smile and walk upstairs.

I throw on my blue snowflake Pyjamas , tie my hair into a ponytail and tuck myself in. I grab my phone and text Jack

' Phone conversation '

J: Hey sweetie are you alright?

E: Yeah I just wanted to say goodnight before I go to sleep.

J: Okay well goodnight I love you

E: I love you too Jack night xxx

'End of conversation '

I put my phone down and drift of into a deep sleep. At least tomorrow's Saturday.

A/N hey guys sorry for being dead , I'm so tired I'm not even joking! But this book will be ending soon I hoped you enjoyed it so far though. 5+ votes for next chapter ^^

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