8|State of Grace

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It was annoying for all the attention to be on him when he didn't want it. It was a cat cafe that he had already heard commotion about. The city was still devastated by the war but in the weeks he was out a lot of buildings were restored, including this one. It was the kind of pale walled cozy cat cafe that was full of cats belonging to the owners and employees, all wearing collars with their names, gender, and the cafe's name. Customers were allowed to bring their own cats to play in the designated customer cat trees as long as they had different looking collars, rabies shots, no fleas and some other things. All of his friends sat down but Katsuki went to the owner/employer cat area alone. Cats were a lot like himself. Did their own things no matter how many people were watching and didn't give a flying fuck, and get pissed off for no reason. Also, quite soft and cute--if someone used those words to describe him however, he would kill them. "Kacchan! Whaddya want?" Izuku asks, holding a menu. "Anything i don't fuckin care, no fucking chocolate you know i hate that shit." He heard the greenette relay something to a waiter and a lady gasp, presumably at his profanity. Geez, lady, grow a spine.

Katsuki squatted and pet the cats coming towards him, welcoming him to their establishment sweetly. They gravitated towards his metal hand, purring loudly while rubbing against it. Cats like smooth surfaces, he guessed, until he saw a small orange glow from the palm of the black mechanical limp. Touching it, he flinched, and he clasped his human hand against it gently. It felt like a heating pad he used to use for period cramps and currently uses for muscle tension release. He thought 'turn off heat' and the arm responded quickly. This feature wasn't mentioned in the note, how many features was he unaware of? "Hey Kacchan, come over here!" Deku suggested kindly, waving his arm. The blond groaned and walked to the table, some cats following him to his chair. "Shoo! Scram!" he hissed, swatting the pesky cats away. His friends giggle. "Can we see the arm?" Ochako asks without regarding his feelings on the matter. He didn't actually care all that much; it was just embarrassing getting praise for a prosthetic.

"Whatever." he obliged, rolling up his sleeve and laying it across the table for them to see, eyebrows furrowed. "Wow! It's so shiny!" The girl comments, grazing her palm past his wrist. Shoto gave him a look to confirm his consent and touched his bicep, examining it. "Hey, Midoriya, feel this." Katsuki scoffs and pulls his arm back slightly, "Im not some fuckin petting zoo lab rat!" he shouts. All other customers were practically glaring at him in annoyance. "What's so different about it?" the greenette asks the dual haired boy. "It's not the same metal like the rest of his arm." They talked about it like it was a device, it was, which is what bothered him. "It's plasti-steel idiot. It's meant to be flexible and in this case it's meant to stretch like a real muscle." "Can I see?" the greenette asks. He pulls up his sleeve further and lays his arm out again. He flexed it like he would a real muscle and the others watched in amusement. "Woah.." "So cool!" He let Izuku briefly touch it while he demonstrated its movement, being interrupted by a waiter coming by with the gang's food. "Here you go!" the waiter said, delivering food to another table just seconds after with her multiple-limb quirk.

Katsuki was so starving he began eating before the others said "Thank you for the food," They all ate at the same time, talking about whatever their teenaged minds could conjure up in the spur of the moment. "Hey, Kacchan. How does the arm work?" Izuku asks. Arm this, arm that. Jeez. Izuku was visibly hiding his excitement of learning about the device but was playing it cool for his sake, it was only fair he shared what he knew about it so far at the very least. He swallows his food and lifts his bangs to reveal the neural transmitter attached to his forehead. "This thing controls it as far as i know." He says pointing to it, and haphazardly rips it off for a second causing his arm to fall against the table with a clang. They are clearly invested. He stuck it to his temple and it rose once more, following the movement a normal arm would. "Yeah. Not doing that shit again." "That is so cool, Kacchan! You really got lucky Mei made something so cool just for you! Doctor-issued prostheses aren't nearly as high tech as Mei's gadgets." Izuku beams, chewing while talking.

"Close your mouth, jackass. And yeah, I guess it's cool or whatever." he admits, pulling his sleeve down. "I've never seen anything quite like it either. There are plenty of heroes who survived the war who needed prosthetics but I've only seen bionic ones like yours given to A-lists who can afford them. Usually they mimic flesh as close as possible but yours is all black. I wonder why this is." Todoroki monologues. "Cuz I'm fucking special. It has orange lights sometimes." Izuku and Ochako perked up "Lights?" "Yeah." He stretched his arm out towards Izuku. Lifting his sleeve to his elbow he drew a line on his arm eccentiating a thin hollow place between metal plates that glowed while they watched. "See the line? Hold my hand." Izuku looked surprised at his request and the other watched confusedly, watching him hold the blond's hand and sigh deeply. "Huh. It has some sort of heating feature! C'mon feel." Izuku encouraged the others.

The other two took hesitant turns placing their hands in his like he was going to pull a prank on them or something, both smiling at the warmth. "Aahhh that's so niceee." Ochako sighs, rolling her wrist on his hand like it was a hot tub jet. "All right, that's enough Round Face." He pulls his arm away and rolls his eyes. They keep talking about what he's missed out since he was asleep but the conversation always took a turn back to him. Todoroki has been hanging out with family, working with the Disaster Relief Team of Juvenile Heroes-or DRTJH- and visiting his brother in the villain holding camps. His family also helped rebuild several U.A students' homes and more but there were still some refugees within U.A walls left homeless. Ochako also worked on this team, helping find missing individuals underneath rubble or ruins. Most were dead but she still tried her best. Izuku was mostly stuck visiting Katsuki in the hospital and his mother as well. So much had changed. And yet nothing at all.

They asked how he was doing since the war. It's not like he was traumatized. But it was uncomfortable because they kept eye contact despite obviously wanting to look at the scar on his face and his black metal hand. "I gotta walk with a stupid cane. I have to wear a monitor for my heart. I don't remember jack shit." "What monitor?" Izuku asks. "It's on my chest. Are you blind or something? You definitely saw it when we were in the pool." "Oh, i guess i-" "Wait you guys were the ones using the pool yesterday?" Ochako asks. "Yeah." They say in unison. "I suppose you two do have a lot to catch up on. It's no wonder you're spending so much time together." the dual haired boy observes. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?" "I'm saying I'm glad you're hanging out together like friends for once. That means we're all equal."

Izuku flashes a grin his way and giggles, Ochako doing the same. "Tch. Whatever. You and I are not friends mr.hot and cold." "You saying that doesn't make it true." "Fuck off."
.super long chapter this time. I'm thinking of adding some action stuff but i don't want bkg to like, go into cardiac arrest lol. the pool thing was probably too over exerting which is why he is going to suffer the consequences a bit late probably. for anyone wanting to draw any concepts in this story that i mention: feel free too but i need to see it, i luvvvv fanart

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