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The greenette nodded and chuckled sheepishly. The next few minutes were silent and calm. Todoroki's traditional Japanese style room was dimly lit. An orange glow of a single lamp mimicking an evening campfire encompassing their peripherals. They were doing a book exchange; Izuku reading Todoroki's favorite book, Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein', and Todoroki reading Izuku's favorite childhood book 'Dragon Rider' written by Cornelia Funke. Neither were fluent in English so they read the Japanese translations, making Frankenstein especially challenging to read because Izuku didn't understand old English, having to occasionally ask the other what certain phrases meant in both japanese and english. "Hey, Midoriya, can I pass something to you?" The dual haired boy's breath sounded oddly shaky for his former demeanor. Like he's been debating about whatever he's gonna ask the entire time instead of actually reading.

"Uh...sure," Izuku says slowly. His eyes were latching on to the last few words of a page before he made eye contact. "I-i think... There's something wrong with me. And I don't know what." Izuku looked at him with curled brows, closing his book after folding a corner of a page. His silence made the other continue hesitantly, "My view of myself is quickly deteriorating. My clothes don't look right on my skin. Something feels wrong when people call me what I was born as...I don't like being a boy anymore." "That's fine!" he reassures, putting a hand on his shoulder. "If it's fine, why do I feel so horrible?" he asks. "It will go away eventually. How long have you felt like this exactly?" "Several months and counting. I haven't really spent time to think about it before now. I don't know why I'm telling you this." "No no it's fine! I'm exactly who you should be telling. Is there anything you want to do about it, to get rid of that feeling?" he asks kindly.

Todoroki looks relieved with his responses. He was aware about him being trans but he didn't seem to know what that entailed. "...thank you for understanding. I know you're more experienced with this kind of thing but I think I want to grow my hair out." "That's it?" "Yeah. Um, if you could call me she for now, too." she adds quickly. "She. Sure. Don't even think too hard about it, Todoroki. I can help you shop for clothes and stuff and I'll make sure to tell people if you're too shy right now. I know it can be pretty stressful." The other wiped her hands past her face and sighed shakily, smiling crookedly. "Thank you." The two continued to read in a bubbly silence.

While Todoroki and Izuku were hanging out in the dorms, Katsuki and Kirishima were walking the streets to find anything that could pique their interests. Katsuki was sipping from a soda he bought from a street vending machine outside a shop. It was cold and sprinkling so they couldn't stay out long, and Katsuki's stamina was lessening by the minute. Maybe it was the smell of the air that kept him going without noticing any problems. "Uh, Bakugou? Are you sure it's fine for you to be so far away from campus?" Kirishima asks with a tinge of worry that feigned teacher-level condescension. "Shut your dam trap, Shitty Hair. I'm fine." Kirishima sighs with a defeated look. "Do you even know where you're going?" "Of course!" No, he didn't. The layout of the city has changed since he's been gone as entrepreneurs have taken advantage of smaller businesses being incapable of rebuilding, just plotting down their cookie cutter bullcrap in place of true authenticity for the sake of money. Every now and then they'd pass a construction site, alluring to healing but in all truth things would never be the same.

Katsuki crushed the can on his head and tossed it in a trash can strapped to a tree. "C'mon." he ordered, picking up his pace. He weaved his way through the blockage of a construction site and stepped into the parking lot of a common store, Kirishima following closely behind. "We're gonna steal a shopping cart to ride in, huh?" Kirishima asks with a toothy grin. "Duh!" He responds quickly. He was actually planning on going into the store and buying materials to make a bomb or two since his quirk was too straining but that would probably have been suspicious to a nosy cashier. Whatever. They could make fun out of what they have. The parking lot was empty except for some weirdos who got their shopping done at 4pm, that's more like a 1pm kind of thing. Kirishima looked around before snatching a shopping cart and jogging quickly to a nearby alleyway. "Do yo-do you think anyone saw us?" Kirishima asks, out of breath."Nah." Katsuki was way more out of breath than he should be. "Sweet! Hop in, man!" The red haired boy held the cart still while he climbed in carefully, retracting his cane and holding onto the sides of the cart.

"Push me, servant!" he shouts enthusiastically, raising a metal fist in the air. The other laughs and thrusts onward through the industrial ravines of buildings. They cheered, running through the sidewalks and alleys like mad men, not a care in the world for the people around them. Glares and eye rolls, scoffs of envy and shouts of authority eluded their fun. "Yeah!" the blond cheered, wind in his hair and laughing like he hadn't before. Kirishima was pushing him back in the direction of U.A but as long as Katsuki got to have his stupod boyish fun he didn't care. They almost crashed a few times from a faulty wheel that only went straight 80% of the time, nearly knocking over a fruit stand and a bike. Not to mention the several people that they had to swerve out of the way for that could become victims to their nonsensical behavior. Without warning, both of Katsuki's hands emitted small explosions from his excitement, causing Kirishima to stop so abruptly he nearly got whiplash. "What the fuck-?" "Y-your hand!"

He looks at it and then back at the red haired boy with a confused look on his face. "C'mon, use your quirk again!" His request only confused him more but he did it anyway. The blond's palms were sparking both in sync, and then they stopped when he wanted it to. His left, robotic, hand wasn't supposed to emit explosions let alone emulate his quirk flawlessly. Mei really thought about this, huh? "Shit, man." he scoffs in disbelief. He gets out of the cart and looks up at Kirishima's stupid face, "High-tech mind-reading shit man!" He elbows the other playfully, shaking his head and walking back in the direction of U.A.

"What about the shopping cart?" "C'mon Shitty Hair."
.transroki and kiribaku adventures yippeeeee!!! idk man. y'all real af for getting this far.

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