10|Sucked Out

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Katsuki snatched the bandaid from him and applied it to the wound, sighing and falling backwards on his bed. His bare skin was hard not to look at, something about him was so alluring. Izuku possibly looked for longer than he should and felt gross about it. He's stressed out and just needs someone with him, is all. "Kacchan. I was thinking of organizing a game night with the rest of the class or just friends? You should probably hang out with other people than me or else people will think you're codependent or something! Haha." "Whatever nerd." All the small invisible hairs on his body stood up from the cold of the room, goosebumps wafting over him but Izuku was perfectly fine. "Get the fuck outta here if you wanna leave so bad." he bites without moving a muscle. His demand caught the other off guard. This was pretty normal behavior for him. There was a possibility he was jealous because he could socialize so effortlessly. Katsuki was such a mysterious person, hard to understand unless you're close to him but even then sometimes it's a gamble. He didn't blame him, he'd probably be pissed off all the time too if everyone around him was scared to talk to him in fear that he will blow up on them.

Izuku catches him in his bluff and simply says, "Ok!" in a nearly monotonous tone, unimpressed. He gathers his things and heads for the door, opening it and stopping with a smile when he hears the other speak up, "That wasn't...I'm not trying to be rude, but you should go, i mean." "Thanks. See you then." Izuku left, leaving him alone again. He could just barely hear some people on the other side of his door interrogate Izuku about why he was alone with him naked. Gross. They are joking but that doesn't make them any less annoying. The blond put everything back where it's supposed to be and threw his hoodie back on, turning his stereo off with a content sigh. His shoes sat by the door-at some point he took them off and forgot. Before he could think he put his shoes on and set out of his dorm to find his friends. Izuku was right, there were plenty of other people he owed his time to that would be willing to hang out with him. "Hey Shitty-Hair!" he yells, banging on the door. The door swings open in a moment, Kirishima's surprised face behind it, "Hey man!" "I need you for something, cmon." "Oh, uh, okay!" he sheepishly grins. The door is closed for a second while the red haired boy gets ready. "Where we headin'?" he asks, struggling to put something on. The blond haphazardly walks in without a care in the world for his current state of dress, just casually falling back onto his bed as if it were his own. The other didn't mind, but was slightly flustered by the door being left open, shutting it in turn. "I dunno. I want to blow shit up. Sick of not using my quirk." he sighs, twirling the handle of his cane.

"How about a training arena? Been a bit lacking myself." he says, sitting down on his bed to put on his shoes, creating an indent into the mattress. "Nah. Then we'd have to make a reservation or have a teacher come along. I don't wanna be talked down to by an old man." Kirishima looked confusedly at him. "I'm not sure what you want then." Katsuki knew exactly what he wanted but he didn't know how to put it in words without sounding mentally unstable. A familiar rage built up inside of him for a reason he wasn't aware of yet. It lingers and seeps out with the smallest thought of violence. He wanted to blow up a forest. Or go to a shooting range where he could unload a magazine into whatever he wanted. The thought of not being able to be normal ever again terrified him and made him apathetic for the future, making it hard to even consider wanting to be the number one hero with such limitations he has now. Having to walk with a cane, needing to rest more, being forced to keep his blood pressure low so he doesn't go into cardiac-fucking-arrest.

None of that was going to stop him from trying, though, no matter how hopeless it seems. "Bakugou!" Kirishima yells. He had said his name multiple times already, must have spaced out. "You okay, man?" The blond sat up and sighed. "Yeah. Let's figure it out as we go, c'mon." He stands up and leaves the other in the dust despite his ailments. "What's that supposed to mean?" he yells after him, not getting an answer. They left the building, and later, the campus of U.A. It sucked being left with nothing to do while everyone around him seems to know exactly what to do at all times. Izuku back at U.A was hanging out with Todoroki in his dorm. He was talking to the dual haired boy in a one sided manner, so frivolous that any comments from the other were swept under the rug or only briefly acknowledged while he kept talking and fidgeting endlessly. None of his friends were annoyed by his endless muttering and constant addition to conversations because it was fun to listen to.

"He woke up not long ago and it's like he's a completely different person! It's almost unsettling how much he's changed since then. He actively seeks me out and talks to me now, even though there's a lot he doesn't tell me. I don't care too much. Kacchan isn't disgusted just by being near me, like he wants to be friends. I think? We trained together before without too many issues but now he treats me better than everyone. N-not to brag! I-I'm sure he wants to improve his relationship with as many people as possible but I'm so surprised he's putting so much effort just for me. He's always hated me so much." Shoto nodded every now and then and listened without interruption. This was something that Izuku liked about him-his ability to listen. His responses were somewhat airheaded sometimes, though. "It's not really my place but," He turns. "Based on what little I know of your friendship-or whatever it is-i don't think he ever hated you in the first place. He envies you." "Yeah. I guess...It's so hard to wrap my mind around him just being envious but I can see it. I was given a powerful quirk that I'm still working to make my own but he has worked his entire life on his."

"Bakugou is trying to make up for what he's done by including you. Give him the time, Midoriya." Shoto sighs, putting a hand on the other's knee for a brief moment. "Shouldn't he spend time with his parents, or spend time working on himself?" "How important are your friends to you?" "Extremely." Izuku says firmly, looking him in the eye. "If you both want to be friends. Then you're friends. And by your logic he's extremely important to you. Maybe he thinks by the same rules, in his own way." The grenette furrows his eyebrows in confusion, eyes darting to nowhere in particular while he appears to be hyper analyzing and revisiting everything Todoroki said all at once. He was muttering to himself, lost in his own world.

"Uh, Midoriya." "Yeah?" "Take it easy."
.as u can probably tell this chapter was kinda lazy. it's hard to pov switch when it's 3rd person but it's worth it and less cringy than abrupt designated pov switches. might ignore the mcs for a sec and briefly focus on a supporting character next chap who knows. i need ideas argh.

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