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He slams his door in fear of being seen and stares at the picture in horror and disgust. "Shit!" he hisses, tossing the items on his bed and sitting down. He knew it. He thought he was overthinking but he knew he heard the sound of a camera last night and this all but confirmed it. From the angle and quality of the picture it was taken from outside his sliding door while the perp was crouched down, no flash, but he wouldn't have seen it with his arm over his face at the time. It was so lewd. What kind of creepy jackass would do this? He knew Deku had a habit of keeping photos of him without his knowledge but there's no way he'd do something like this, plus he had an alibi or two most likely. The picture was almost beautiful, oddly (and not narcissistically enough), but you could tell there was a creepy motivation from capturing it just with a glance. Someone truly sick had to take this. The only hint of who it may be was an eerie sentence written on the back in cursive, "All I see is you. Beauty."

It felt wrong looking at it. Who in their right mind would think this is a way to pursue a crush? If even that-a muse of obsession is more likely. He puts his face in his hands and lets out an exhausted sigh. There was nothing he could do about it at the moment. Katsuki deployed his cane and placed the polaroid upside down on his dresser, holding his candies and exiting the room swiftly. His phone was dead but there was no point in charging it. He could see All Might waiting in the common room speaking to Aizawa in a chipper manner, slightly authoritative in a way. "Young Bakugou! It's great to see you! Looks like you're doing well!" he greets in his gravelly voice. He smiled crookedly in opposition to the old man's wide grin, shaking his hand with his black metallic hand. "Nice arm, son, Mei's work im assuming?" "Yeah. Aizawa asked her to make it ahead of time. What...what're you doing here?" Katsuki asks. All Might has spent the past months busy with various things, meetings probably, but no one quite knew. It was very likely he was simply enjoying his retirement like anyone else despite the disaster surrounding him. That wasn't very All-Mightish though.

The old man rubbed the back of his neck and sighed, "Well...I thought I'd take up the responsibility of helping you with physical therapy and whatnot, only if you want it. When school starts again you wanna be able to keep up with your classmates, can't do that if you're a cripple!" he cackled raspily, coughing. The old man had a sadness, or possibly awkwardness about him that made it hard to talk to him. "Whatever. I haven't eaten yet though. Izuku may want to join too." "Oh yeah that's great! Get something to eat, son, and I'll be waiting in the training area." All Might took a step and backtracked, "Wait, I actually got something for you," He reached behind the couch and grabbed a pair of elbow crutches that were leaning against it. "These came in from your parents, I guess doctors were second-guessing that cane of yours and wanted you to be able to walk safer. Here. See you."

Katsuki looked at the crutches with an unbridled hatred. He didn't even want to touch them, knowing he'd have to depend on them more than the cane. Stubbornness wouldn't benefit him, though, and he sheathed the cane, shoving it in his pocket and slipping his arms through the forearm crutches as if they were sleeves. The distribution of weight was far more manageable compared to the pathetic cane than he'd wish to admit. Some other students were up but he ignored them the best he could, quickly going back to his room to throw on a U.A jumpsuit and leaving for the cafeteria. Of course it was raining. The sky was grey with clouds watering the earth below like a hungry plant. The downpour soiled his hair and clothes much like his mood. At Least he'd be warm when he dried. A familiar voice dispersed his thoughts, "Hey Kacchan!" Footsteps approached him suddenly and stopped a few feet away, causing the blonde to look back in confusion. "Izuku..?" He wasn't there by the time he looked back. Above him he heard a rustling sound and with the blink of an eye he aimed an explosion upwards towards the sky, out of nothing but raw instinct. The wind burst from the sound that traveled across the whole campus.

That felt amazing. He looked up angrily and saw the greenette's upside down smile inches away from his face. "Missed me." he challenges. Izuku was using 'Float' to fly upside down in mid air, nearly Spider-man style in the way he was positioned. "Get down here, Morales." Katsuki joked with furrowed brows. Izuku gave a sardonic look and eased himself right side up and onto the floor. He pats the blond's shoulder and walks with him. "That was quite the blast! Those new canes look like they're much easier to use too!" His voice was happy as ever. Looks like he was trying as hard as possible to get rid of last night's interaction from his mind as well. "Stop with that preppy bullshit," Izuku tilts his head, "Sorry, I'm just excited, All Might told me you're allowing me to assist with your-" "No. Not 'assist'. I don't fuckin need assistance, I'm only allowing you to come with me to train and that's it."

He heard a sigh next to him. "Ok, Kacchan. Just...let me keep you dry at least, it's the least I can do right now." His bangs were dripping and clothing soaked, an umbrella wasn't going to get rid of that. Izuku placed his jacket over the blond's shoulders. "I'll meet you there, Kacchan." He departs using his quirk again. What a show-off.
.it's so funny how nearly every chapter im like "guys im running out of ideas help" and then bust out a new chap the next day.

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