" NO !! " Chp 1.

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" Bye dad. I'm off to school now. "

Beetlejuice mocked Lydia.
" Bye dad. "
The demon chuckled, while Lydia just groaned and rolled her eyes at him.

It was Lydia's first day of school after moving into the weird,, haunted,, creepy old house with her father and a wild Delia.

She didn't mind it there though, she had the Maitland's and Beetlejuice. Those three seemed to get her more than her own 'parents' actually did.

" Bye honey. Have a good first day! "
Lydia nodded and rolled her eyes,
She wished her mom was still here to walk her to school.

She missed those good old times, but Lydia just waved to Delia; and shut the creepy doors behind her. They always shut with a weird slam,, she remembered them doing that when her and Beetlejuice scared the shit out of a Girl Scout.

Lydia had gotten to school early, she even didn't take any detours to waste time so she didn't have to see anyone else because half of the rude kids, would already be inside.

        She only did that just to make a good impression... and she didn't wanna miss anything important on her first day at a new place.

" Ew.. Who's that freak? "
Lydia heard a girl from behind her,, she just ignored the girl. The girl didn't even TRY to be quiet; she was whispering but she PURPOSELY said it loud enough so Lydia could hear her.
             Lyds was used to it though, she dealt with that a lot at her previous schools, and she's get called a freak only because she'd bite kids. It was her way of showing her anger.
      Those kids swore Lydia had vampire teeth though..
which made the teen giggle out loud at the thought of that.

" Why is she all,,, dressed like she just went to a funeral? "
    Another girl asked some of her friends as she walked into the crowded hallways of the school filled with girl's only.

All these girls had looked so.. so normal. Nothing about them seemed strange and unusual. They all looked so different from Lydia:.. or maybe it was the other way around. Maybe Lydia was the one who was different.
Yeah. That's what it was, Lydia was the odd one out..

They all looked so good in their perfectly white short sleeved shirts, and baby blue skirts that matched their knee high socks.. Even the girls white shoes looked good.

Lydia HATED it though, so she got a black uniform instead to stand out. It was a black skirt, a grey-ish skirt that matched her socks ..
The only thing that was different with the socks is that they were striped with grey and black.

Of course she kept her spider clips that BJ got her when the whole fiasco was over,, Beej got them as a present for her.
    Only because he was bad with words and apologizing. She still had accepted his apology because she missed her only friend.. or one of her only friends that ACTUALLY got her.

" Uhm.. is this like.. freak show or the carnival!? "
A girl stopped and stared with disgust, she laughed at her joke which some girls behind her followed her lead.

" C-Claire-.... "
One of the girls whispered, tapping the taller female's shoulder; she seemed like she didn't wanna be there with Claire.. she-.. Wait.

She was like Lydia. She had spider and cobweb earrings in! She had a black collar on...
Or maybe she just wanted to wear that and wasn't actually goth.

" Shut up Elizabeth! You know we talked earlier last week about this. "
             Claire shouted at Elizabeth, the Elizabeth girl just scooted away from Claire with a little fright.

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