" Have fun. " Chp. 3

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" Lydia.. Get up. It's time for school hon. "
Delia awakened Lydia from her deep slumber, BJ was still dead asleep..

It was 6:45 AM.
" Deliaaa... can't I get five more minutessss...? "

. . . . . . " Fine.. Just. As soon as I come back in here to wake you up, you HAVE to get up! "
Delia whispered leaving Lydia's room to not bother the girl and let her have the 5 more minutes of peace Lydia deserved.

Lydia was on the roof,
Her legs were shaky,
Her view was pointed down at the ground,

She jumped.

She was falling. She was speeding to the hard grassy ground.

She hit it.
" Lydi-?... "

" Lydia..? "

" No.. "

" Lydia! "

" Charles! Please, your k-kid! "

" HELP HER!! "

" DELIA?... BARBARA! Anyone-..? "
" Please.. save her.. Save her! "
Beetlejuice shouted loudly-..

" Lydia! It's time to get up sweetie.. "
Delia whispered shaking Lydia awake.

" Okayyy... "
Lydia whispered, her breath was shaky. That nightmare was AWFUL, usually she loved them but now she hated them.

            It was scary,, she didn't want that in her mind.
That whole experience the night before was still scary.. and this dream where she 'ACTUALLY' died was even worse!

" Beetlejuice, wake up. "
Delia moved to Beetlejuice who eventually woke up and got kicked out of Lydia's room.

He gave a little smile and waved before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

" Today's gonna be a GREATTTT day.. "
Lydia grumbled; she sarcastically spoke as she sat on her creaky wooden stool infront of her dark, and black vanity.
She stared into the mirror doing her makeup,, only after she brushed her snarly hair.

She got changed into her usual school uniform, by now it was 7:00. She needed to hurry up.

" Okay.. Cool. Time for breakfast. "
Lydia whispered as she put her dirty clothes into a black hamper which tonight would probably go down to the laundry.
She left her room, walking down the old creaky stairs..

She stopped dead in her tracks, her breathing got really heavy and she just looked straight down at her feet and at the stairs.
What would've happened if she died last night?...
What-.. What if she fell through these stairs right now. What if the floorboards gave out and she died like the Maitland's did..?

" Lydiaaa!~ Breakfast is ready! "
Charles yelled out.

" Yeah, hurry Scarecrow! Or else you don't get any breakfast for a month! "
Beetlejuice called from the kitchen, obviously joking.. or we'll hope he is-..

Lydia quickly made her way down the rest of the stairs. She had no clue about what just happened. Lydia was terribly scared of death,, no matter how much she liked it. No-. Let me rephrase.

She was scared of her own death. She wanted to die but ended up trying and regretted it.
She wanted to live but sometimes didn't.

" Yuck. Beej... "
Beetlejuice was putting salt onto his pancakes.

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