Dare 23

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Me: *giggles as I walk in the door carrying a shopping bag with a surprise* Ohh Michael????

Michael: *hears me calling for him and walks out of the studio and into the living room*

Me: Applehead!

Michael Hi Emily! What's in the bag?

Me: *giggles some more* It's for the dare that you and I are about to do.

Michael: *looks inside my shopping bag and then blushes deeply* Oh my gosh...🫢

Me: *whispers in Michael's ear what the dare is*

Michael: *is still blushing while trying hard not to giggle* Are you sure?

Me: Yes, Michael. Now, let's go.

Michael: *smiles* Okay. Just promise me that you'll let me know if you want to stop.

*MJ and the host head to the bedroom to do their dare, and that is where things get heated and their loud moans and screams can be heard*

(*One hour later...*)

Khayden2011: *walks in through the front door* Hey guys! I brought KFC for all of us and—wait a minute. Where did they go? Guess I better go and look got them.

(*Meanwhile, in the bedroom...*)

Me: *is panting heavily while laying down on Michael's chest* 🥰

Michael: *has already caught his breath* That was fun. 😃

Me: Yeah...*cuddles next to Michael and then falls asleep* ☺️😴

Michael: *smiles and wraps his arms around me, kissing me lovingly before falling asleep as well* 😚😴

(*Fifteen minutes later...*)

Khayden2011: *knocks on the bedroom door* Michael? Emily? You guys in there?

Michael: *wakes up* Who said that?

Me: *also wakes up* Huh?? Oh, sorry about that Khayden! 😅

Khayden2011: That's alright. But you lovebirds should probably get down here and have some KFC before it gets cold.

Me: We're coming!

Michael: KFC?! Where???? 😃😁

Truth or Dare With Michael Jackson: Halloween Edition Where stories live. Discover now