Dare 5

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Me: *runs into MJ's office where he's sitting at his desk working on some paperwork*

Michael: Hi Emily! What can I do for you?

Me: You've got another dare from @Vixen91, and she dared you to find me a costume.

Michael: Aw, that's so sweet. What would you like to be for Halloween?

Me: Hmm...how about a zombie version of you?

Michael: *giggles* I don't think they make those costumes.

Me: How about I be TinkerBell and Paris can be Wendy, and Prince and Blanket can be Peter Pan?

Michael: Oh my god, that's absolutely PERFECT! 🤩 I'll go to the store right now! Be back soon! 😃

Me: *giggles* Okay Michael. 🤣

*So, our king of pop goes to the Halloween store and he buys the Tinker Bell costume for me, a Wendy costume for his daughter Paris, and two Peter Pan costumes for Blanket and Prince*

Paris: *sees her father MJ come in through the door* Daddy's home!

Michael: *smiles excitedly as his children run to give him hugs and kisses* Hi there!

Me: I'm going to the bedroom to try on my costume.

(*Ignore the model*)

(*Ignore the model*)

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Truth or Dare With Michael Jackson: Halloween Edition Where stories live. Discover now