Chapter 2- Everyone, Meet Luka...

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I can't believe it. He's stood right there.

The guy who raped innocent 15 year old little me 5 years ago is stood inside my house.

I thought i heard the last of him when he went to Young Offenders.

I guess his sentence, his debt to society, has been paid.

I don't give a fuck. Nothing will take away the pain he caused my family, caused me.

Max recognises him, which makes this all the more painful. Both my dads have angry expressions on their faces, as well as my brother, as if someone's about to go through a window.

Lauren's confused, Heather's pissed and no one is talking.

Out of fear, i pick Max up from the table he was standing on and tuck him into my arms.

"Get out." i say briskly.

"Come on Emmy, that's not exactly friendly-"

"Get out, now!" Lauren seems startled by my yell.

Not a lot of things make me yell, but this pathetic excuse for a man does.

He makes my blood boil way over the edge.

Lauren whispers in my ear, "Is that the douche bag who raped you?"

I nod sternly, not wanting to talk in case my words get away with me. "Okay. Cover Max's ears; i don't think you'll want him to hear what i have to say." i turn to the dickhead.

"Leave before i call security to drag your ass out of here."

"And who are you?" Luka asks smugly.

"The woman who knows what kind of a sick pervert you are and who's been taking care of your 'son' for the past three years."

"You know nothing about me sweetheart. He's my son, not yours and certainly not this tarts."

Lauren turns around to make sure Max's eyes and ears are covered before stepping toward Luka, but my brother Cadan beats her to it and sends his fist flying into his throat.

"Argh!" Luka descends to the floor, clutching his throat for dear life.

"You bastard!" Cadan makes no hesitation in throwing him out of the front door, returning back as if nothing happened.

"Right, i believe i was promised some cake..." he turns the music back on and tries to encourage people to continue, but it's not that easy for me.

I set Max down and run upstairs, the intention to be alone.

"Emma? Babe? Let me in, please?" Lauren knocks softly on the bathroom door, "I'm fine, L. Take no notice of me."

"I could never do that. Remember a few years ago when you locked yourself in my bathroom? I hope you won't make a break for it again, heh." i open the door, letting her see my red blotchy cheeks from crying.

"Baby, i'm sorry that happened." she pulls me into her arms, not letting one limb escape.

"You're a better parent to Max than that scumbag ever was...i wish we raised him from birth."

"So do i. Your brother was amazing back there, huh?"

"He's always used his fists to protect me and my sisters. If he didn't do that, i know you would have."

"Too right. No one speaks to you like that with me around. I promised to protect you and Max and that's exactly what i'm going to do."

Her words sink deep into my mind, burning into my memory bank permanently.

"You're the best girlfriend ever."

"I know. Now come on downstairs, it's your son's birthday."

When it falls night time, everyone begins departing, "Are you sure you don't want me and papa to stay in case he comes back, munchkin?"

"I'm sure, dad. I'll be fine, i'm a copper remember?"

"Sometimes i forget you're not my little girl anymore, i suppose."

"I'll always be your little girl, dad. But if Luka comes back then i'll have him arrested for trespassing. Go back to your hotel guys, i'll be perfectly okay." my little sister Alex gives me a hug.

"Sorry that dickhead is back. I guess this means i can't sleepover now, huh?" she says sorrowfully.

"Sorry, babe, i don't think dads will let us. Next time, i promise."

"But next time isn't for ages! We only visit you like, once a year. It's not fair."

"I know it's not kid, i promise we'll work something out, okay?" me and Alex have been attached by the hip practically since she was born.

She thinks of me as her mother, and living with three other guys isn't her favourite thing.

I wrap my arms around my brothers large frame, "Thanks for chucking him out, bro."

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Plus, i have waited five years to do that."

And with that, my family leaves for their hotel.

After putting Max to bed, me and Lauren put on the TV.

"Greys Anatomy?"

"Sure why not, i'm up for some blood and gore." i pick up my phone and begin scrolling, until a message pops up from an Unknown number.

UNKNOWN: He's my son. U can't stop me from seeing him. I will get my son back, Emma. One way or another.

I'm never going to get rid of him, am i?

Thank you for reading!

I'd like to say thank you to @ZeeTheGreatDane and @verena1911 for upvoting on my original story, it means a lot :)

The next chapter for this book will come out next tuesday! (Tuesday 18th October).

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