Chapter 17- The Final Battle...

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After pulling up in Woolwich Courthouse parking area, i still feel the slap of Luka's hand against my face as i tumble to the floor, and hear the sound of Lauren's fist flying into his nose. But most of all, the footsteps of the law guardian tiptoeing into the house and witnessing the entire debacle.

My angry feelings toward Lauren simmer up and down when i am reminded of the fact that i'd do the exact same thing for her if the roles were reversed, but punching my sons father who is suing me for custody is not a wise idea when we're in court the next day.

"Emma? Please talk to me?"

"I'm fine. My main focus today is to get my son back, and making sure he stays with me. I'll be damned if i let anything or anyone get in the way of that."

"Of you want me to go in with you? Or am i going home?"

"I said i don't want any distractions, Lauren. You're a smart woman, work it out yourself."

I exit the car with a slam of the door before she can respond.

I meet Connor outside of the doors to the room that determine the next huge milestone of my life. "The best case scenario is we gain full custody of Max. Second best is Luka has visitation rights without a third-party present, and worst case is he gets Max and you're only allowed to have visits. I have faith that we'll win, Emma. And don't forget, we can always appeal."

"I know...i know."

"You're the better parent for Max, and we know that. You just gotta make the judge see that. There's no way they'll let Max live with a guy who attacks women."

"There's no way they'll let Max live under the same roof as a woman who attacks men, either. It could go either way...i just hope i'm ready to accept the outcomes."

I walk into the room, keeping a neutral expression. Luka immediately starts on me, "Are you reading to loose everything, Emma?"

I sit down silently without answering. I cannot let him worm his way into my soul again like he did last night. However, i found it hard to keep my laughs in when i saw the mess his nose was in.

The judge emerges from her chambers and takes a seat, managing her files. "Today we are here to discuss the parental fate of Max Arthek Alton. Both biological parents believe they are best equipped to raise him, and i'll be deciding that today. Prosecutor?"

Rebecca slowly rises from her chair, eyeing me suspiciously. Part of me sees a hint of sorrow in her eye. "Your Honour, Max is only young. What good would it do to deprive this young man of his father? I accept Mr Mendoza's faults. No parent is perfect, but it's time for this man to get to know his family, and be accepted of it. We'd be thrilled if you could see our side of the tale. Thank you." Rebecca sits back down.

I fully expected her to trash my name and call me a slag like she did a few years ago. I guess i should be more suspicious than thankful.

Connor raises from his seat and smoothes down his suit, preparing to ensure the court i'm the right person for Max to be with.

"Your Honour, ever since Max was born, my client has used the best of her abilities to care for, nurture, and turn Max into the exceptional young person he is today, whereas in the hospital on the day of his arrival, Mr Mendoza took it upon himself to tell Miss Alton to murder their own child."



"But i-"

"Did i stutter, Mrs Thorne?" with a flare in her body, Rebecca retakes her seat.

❛𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐁𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃, 𝐈'𝐌 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀 𝐌𝐔𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐑...❜ | 𝐍𝐨.𝟐Where stories live. Discover now