Chapter 2 ~ Why me?

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   Sans was shakily stumbling his way home after the encounter with his brother.. Thoughts of what happened rushed through his head. The broken rib he now had to suffer with under his sweater, still bleeding marrow, was making him weak.

   Why did his brother hate him so much? Though, he immediately answered his own question in his head. It wasn't entirely the Boss' fault. The whole underground did this to him. Sometimes he forgot they were all living in hell.

   He digressed, knowing he had to get a damn move on before his brother gave him a punishment far worse than he could ever imagine.. As Sans walked, he strayed slightly from the path as he became lost in his thoughts. He could remember now, all those wonderful times he had spent with his younger brother, when he was just a bitty bones...

   Sans' thoughts came to an abrupt stop when he suddenly bumped right into.. the two dog guards. Dogamy and Dogaressa. Ah shit.. As if things couldn't get any fuckin' worse.

   Both lovers glared back at Sans right after, and they turned towards him in anger. Dogamy spoke first. "You.. How dare you come towards our post, let alone bump into us.. You have some nerve, knowing what happened to you last time you went and did something stupid like that."

   Sans merely gave a glare up at the two, gritting his teeth slightly. He hated these two. With every fiber in his being. They always had nerve themselves, pushing him around. If only his brother had been here to save him. Though, knowing the Boss, he'd lecture him anyway for even going near them. Look where it got him. Honestly he was lost in thought, and he didn't pay attention.. Ugh.

   "Aye, look, I didn't see where I was goin', so hush it. I gotta get home, the Boss needs me. I ain't got time for you two." He hissed, crossing his arms. He didn't care how short or helpless he was right now.. He wanted to show how much he hated them.

   Dogaressa scoffed a little and she gave a short smirk, pushing Sans' stomach a little to press him back. Oh boy. "Oooo, the big bad Boss, huh?? Well, how about me and my pup-doll here tell him you were hurting us. Just for being rude to us, doesn't that sound fair?" Dogamy continued, "Yeah, Sans. You don't want us telling the big Boss you were being lazy, do you??" He chuckled, pressing Sans from behind. It was like the two were playing fetch with him.

   Sans' eye sockets went black. He dreaded every second of this. If his Boss were to hear he'd been slacking off again, he'd be dust in the matter of less than a second. He wished he could just go home.. Get that punishment over with, and take his damn nap already.. He could hardly take this anymore. He was pissed. He teleported back slightly to get away from the two dog's little shoving game, his red eye appearing once more to glare up at the two again. "I said back off. Before I end up killing the both of you." He growled out. Although, he had started to tremble by now. He wasn't ready to fight, not while he was bleeding.

   Dogamy and Dogaressa laughed together, and they prepared their axes. "You really think you can kill us? It's two against one, mutt. We'll show you what it's like to become dust.." Dogaressa grinned. Suddenly however, a menacing presence could be felt behind the two.

   As Sans looked up, he noticed.. His Boss, standing directly behind the two dogs. "CEASE YOUR YAPPING, ALL THREE OF YOU PATHETIC CREATURES. I AM NO LONGER AMUSED BY YOUR WORTHLESS ARGUMENT." Papyrus scowled, tapping his fingers on his elbow as he crossed his arms.

  Sans was relieved in a way after seeing his brother, seemed he still cared about him after all.. Although, that expression he had on his face, it looked.. enraged. Both dogs flinched up, their fur standing on end. They didn't expect to be caught in the act.. both of them had swiftly apologized, saluted, and ran off together.

   Papyrus' gaze now met with his trembling shorter yet older brother's. The look on his face was terribly displeased. Like he was waiting on something. And Sans knew exactly what he wanted. Sans slumped down onto his knees, tears pricking his sockets slightly. After hiding the pain of his rib, he could finally stop being brave. "Boss, look I.. I-I'm so sorry, I.. I didn't mean to, I promise.. I was just tryna get home faster, I swear, please! Don't make the punishment worse!" He had started to beg, gripping his arms slightly.

   As Papyrus glared down at him, he could feel the judgement in his eyes. Like he was verifying the integrity of his pleading. If it was up to his standards. ".. I WILL CONSIDER IT. GET YOURSELF BACK ON YOUR FEET, WE ARE GOING HOME. DO NOT SLACK BEHIND AND FAIL ME ONCE AGAIN." He closed his eyes, beginning to walk passed his brother in the direction of the town.

   Sans gritted his teeth as he stared forward, trembling on the ground. Was that really what just happened? Had his brother been there the whole time, watching him get pushed around? Was all of it just for the Boss' amusement? Nonetheless, he knew what was coming next. And he dreaded every thought that came into his head. He could hardly catch his breath as he gripped his arms in his hands. He slowly glanced back to watch his taller brother walk away, and there was only a single thought on his mind.
Why me?

   (Side note, chapter 3 is in the making! Thanks to everyone who supported the first chapter, I'm finally ready to continue, now that my account is back! See y'all soon!)

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