Chapter 3 ~ The punishment.

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   As the short older brother struggled to walk straight, Papyrus marched with perfect posture, his arms crossed over his chest. He was in fact Snowdin's antagonist. Papyrus was the second one in command of the royal guard. A rank that was entirely unfair.

   A few months to maybe around a year back, he could hardly remember now, Papyrus caught a human. During that time, he and his now archenemy Undyne, were good friends. They would hang out, sometimes spar together. However, that day, Undyne betrayed him.

   Undyne knew that Papyrus had a human captured.. So, she wanted to steal it. Undyne tricked Papyrus, by suggesting that she take the human to the king for him. Of course being the fool he used to be, he accepted his 'friend's offer.

   A foolish mistake, Papyrus thought, scowling as he got closer to their house. He was meant to be the captain of the royal guard.. That was his human. His human soul, that he captured. It was unfair.

   Sans, meanwhile, was utterly terrified. As they walked into the house, he gripped his arms as he walked forwards. As he walked ahead of his brother, he glanced back to watch him shut and lock the door.

This was where everything was going to go to hell.

Papyrus turned around toward Sans and huffed slowly, adjusting his scarf as he walked around him. "STAY PUT. THIS WON'T TAKE VERY LONG." He huffed, going towards his room. Shit.. He was actually going to do it.

Sans stared down at the floor as he paced lightly, sweating profusely. The punishment, the one Papyrus promised to him. The hammer and nails. As his Boss gathered the items, he began to regret everything he did wrong, even those before today's punishment. He rubbed his head slightly and tried to calm himself, but he honestly couldn't. He just wished he had held his tongue.

   Soon enough, Papyrus began to walk back downstairs, a chair in one gloved hand, and a hammer and a pack of nails in the other. This was going to be painful. And he knew his brother was going to spend the time for his amusement. If only this was all a bad dream...

   Papyrus proceeded to set the chair down, glaring at Sans harshly. "SIT IN THE CHAIR. HANDS ON THE CHAIR ARMS. DO. NOT. MOVE." The Boss demanded, his voice practically echoing from how loud it was.

   Sans gulped and trembled slightly as he stopped in his tracks, staring at the chair for a moment. Like a deer in headlights. Papyrus scowled slightly and stomped his foot, pointing at the chair. "NOW. BEFORE I KEEP THAT COLLAR ON YOUR NECK TIGHTENED WHILE YOUR PUNISHMENT LINGERS." He gritted his teeth, to which Sans immediately rushed over to sit down. Hands on the chair arms... Not. Moving...

Papyrus huffed slowly as he set down the hammer, opening his pack of nails that he had. Sans was unsure why he even had these, but honestly, he shouldn't be surprised. His Boss probably had plenty of torture items prepared for future punishments, no doubt.

As the taller skeleton walked around the chair and aimed the nail right above Sans' hand, his immediate reaction was to slightly jerk away. He immediately regretted that.

"DID. I NOT... JUST TELL YOU NOT TO MOVE?" Papyrus hissed, his voice laced with venom. Sans yelped a little in response, his body trembling. His one illuminated red eye glowed in the dim lit living room, staring down at the floor in pure terror. "Y-Yes, Boss! Sorry, Boss!"

Papyrus forced his brother's hand back in place, leaning down a bit to put the nail right above Sans' hand. He then grabbed the hammer... And Sans' life flashed before his eyes. He slowly glanced over at the nail aimed at his hand. He couldn't move his hand. He had to take the punishment.

Suddenly, Papyrus hit the nail with the hammer, the nail hitting straight through the middle finger bone on Sans' hand, from the sheer amount of force Papyrus put in. Sans let out an immense cry of pain and he gritted his teeth, inhaling sharply while tears fell from his sockets. Fucking dammit.

Papyrus couldn't help but smirk a little at Sans' cry of agony, and he slowly lifted the shorter skeleton's head up by his chin with the other side of the hammer. "YES.. SHOW ME THE LOOK OF DESPAIR ON YOUR FACE. LEARN YOUR PLACE, MUTT."

Sans breathed heavily as he tried to look down at the nail in his hand. His vision was slightly blurred, but he could see marrow starting to quickly drip from his hand. It was painful, and any little movement he made, gave him even worse pain.

Papyrus gave a bit of a cackle as he sat up, going around the other side with yet another nail. Surely he wasn't...

As the taller brother got another nail, Sans tried to think of ways to get out of this punishment. If only he did better... Shit, that was it. He'd do better. "B-Boss.. Ghk-.. I-I....-" Sans cut off, when Papyrus smacked the nail suddenly into his other hand, no warning, and hardly any preparation.

Sans cried out and let tears fall down his face. His thoughts were overridden with agonizing pain. Papyrus huffed slowly and tilted his head, though his expression remained with a menacing smirk.


Sans gasped out slightly as his eye locked onto his brother, and he coughed slightly. No.. that.. That would kill him! Surely his Boss wouldn't do that. Even if it was for some sick reason like because he wouldn't have something to antagonize anymore.

"Boss, I- I swear I'm gonna be good! I won't- I won't screw up anymore, dammit! Please, I-I'll work, I'll do anything!" He cried out, desperate in the moment as the nail was aimed straight for his cranium.

Papyrus gave chuckles as he slowly raised the hammer, though, in the moment he realized.. His brother had passed out from fear. That.. Or from blood loss. Seemed he had completely forgotten about that broken rib he had given Sans.. Ugh.

The taller skeleton growled under his breath and lowered the hammer. Well.. No point in continuing if he couldn't squeeze out any more reactions from his helpless brother. He was finished with this times punishment anyways. Hell, to what did it matter, now he needed to clean up everything.

Why must he always do everything himself.. Preposterous. He sighed and walked away towards his room to get the bandages. He figured he would wrap Sans' wounds, and put him on his messy bed for now until he woke up.

Utterly ridiculous..

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