Chapter 11 ~ Exhausting Recovery.

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Sans woke once more, just as groggily as the last time... Though, at least he felt like he was being allowed more sleep than usual. Maybe Papyrus really did care about him?

.. Nah, that wouldn't happen. Hasn't happened for years, definitely isn't happening now. Regardless, it had now been around a week since he passed out in the snow, and he just couldn't get the situation out of his mind.

Just to think about what those fucking dogs would do to him if they knew what he did to Doggo... Hell, that asshole deserved either way, he wasn't doing shit for the guard in the first place. Well..

Either way, the worst that could really happen was Dogamy and Dogaressa getting the captain of the guard involved.. Undyne. That was the one person, that he and his brother could both agree, was the worst. She was a cheater at best, stealing and turning in that human soul that his brother earned himself.. Tricking him when he was still so innocent..

Despite everything Papyrus did to Sans, that was the one thing he would defend him over. In reality, everyone was far more afraid of the Great and Terrible Papyrus, second in command of the guard, rather than the very captain. If you could even call her that..

Regardless, that fish still wasn't someone that the small skeleton could actually deal with himself. He was far too weak for that kind of run-in. Despite that, he highly doubted those dogs would go that far..


Meanwhile, Papyrus had been making dinner.. again. He had to put a lot more into chores around the house, now that his pathetic excuse of a brother managed to get himself bedridden from exhaustion. That wasn't going to stop him from berating the mutt either way..

He neatly fixed Sans a plate, despite usually going more for the dog bowl option.. Not like he could do that yet.. As soon as Sans recovered, he didn't plan to ease him back into his work. He was going to do his part of the chores, whether he liked it or not. In the tall skeleton's eyes, Sans had been acting the same as usual.. Just somehow more irrational.

Papyrus still hadn't gotten that brother of his to remember just what the reason was as to why he killed Doggo.. to be frank, it certainly didn't make any sense to him either. One of the thoughts that came into his mind as he walked up the stairs went along the lines of, perhaps it was that 3 dog assault Sans went through that caused him to snap... Utterly fucking hilarious.

The younger yet taller brother cackled to himself as he walked into his room, planning to make Sans go back to his own room today. He seemed well enough to sleep on his dog bed by now.. Sans had slowly tried to sit himself up, though he hardly even wanted to... No matter how many days went by, he just didn't feel much better.. Physically, nor mentally.

Papyrus sighed slowly as he set the plate on Sans' lap. He allowed him to properly sit up first, of course. "REGARDLESS IF YOU ARE FEELING BETTER OR NOT, YOU'LL BE GOING BACK INTO YOUR ROOM ONCE YOU'RE FINISHED EATING.. AND THIS TIME, I EXPECT YOU TO WASH YOUR OWN PLATE AND SILVERWARE." The tall skeleton's voice echoed as usual.

Sans grunted a little as he reached to grab the fork, slightly picking at his lasagna.. Every day, Papyrus got better at cooking this dish.. deep down, he was impressed.. younger Papyrus would be happy too. It was a little pointless to reminisce on the past now. His brother wasn't like that anymore.. And after all he'd been through, why would he..?

Sans sighed a bit under his breath as he went to cut into the lasagna with the knife he was given, then taking a piece off of it with the fork. He ate it, surprisingly tasting the flavors in it... "Yes, boss.. Uh- this is really good.." he glanced up, though his hesitation probably made his words seem insincere.. not like it mattered either way.

Papyrus scoffed a little as he turned, going to walk towards his door again to leave. "OF COURSE IT IS GOOD. AFTER ALL, THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS IS THE BEST CHEF." He grumbled out, walking- no, marching out of the room. Guess that managed to regain the taller brother some of his confidence..

Sans merely sighed as he ate more, knowing things would very soon get right into how they usually were... He'd have to go to work like usual, at the risk of being harmed by every single monster.. as normal as that seemed, anyway.

After a few minutes, Sans finished the whole plate. He then forced himself up after a few tries, his legs still a bit weak.. He'd handled worse than this before though. He got himself down the stairs, going into the kitchen. He washed his plate, then his fork, then his... Knife.

When Sans wiped the shiny blade clean,he stared at his reflection.. noticing his single glowing eye.. as the short-statured skeleton glanced behind him a few times, he put the knife into his pocket.. Just in case, he thought..

Sans then proceeded to trudge back up the stairs, walking into his nearly completely empty room.. he glanced at his washed dog bed, going to it and sitting on it... Sorely, in fact. He definitely didn't miss the lack of layers between the fabric and the floor..

As a few more days went by, Sans would get forced back into his chores for a while, and soon, he'd have to start working again. During that duration of time, he'd occasionally been picking up the bad habit of putting that knife to use. Not that it helped him feel better, but he started cutting his arms..

At first, he had it as a way to count the days of living in this shit hole.. but he happened to pick it up as a now numb hobby. To think he told himself it was pointless to cut his arms.. this kind of cut was far less severe than anything else he'd ever been forced into.. this was fine.

The only thing that had still been stuck on his mind... Just what were those two dogs were up to?

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