Chapter 10 ~ Realization.

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Sans startled awake suddenly as he gasped a little, though, he found himself unwilling to sit himself up. He groaned quietly and stared at the ceiling, huffing slowly.

Damn it all, he was still alive.

The small skeleton was honestly dreading the fact that he was probably saved just in the nick of time by his cruel brother. It was like he was forcing him to stay alive in this shitty fucking nightmare.

That sounded just like him, second in command of the guard... Taking every smooth step to amuse his own dreadful mind. And in the process, not looking phased in the slightest.

In reality, all he remembered was being dazed in a pain of all the abuse and torture he'd gotten recently.. and then, black. Fuck, was he really that useless to everyone?

Really, Sans had to think. He couldn't even finish off that dog.. who was it again? Hell if he remembered. He probably didn't even do anything to him. That or he got beaten out of his mind.

Something felt strange, though. Inside of the short skeletons soul, it felt... Stronger? He had no clue. All he wished was that he could actually be of use for once... Maybe someone could fear him one day.

.. What a pointless thought. Who would ever fear him?

Sans merely scoffed and turned on his bed.. Oh. This wasn't his bed..- No, this was a real bed. Was his pain so immense that Papyrus was letting him rest on his bed..? Now that he really payed attention, this really was his brother's bed.

The warm blanket was a dark red shade, and as he looked around the room, he realized how long it had been since he had been in here... Papyrus never let him in his room anymore, unless it was "imperative," or, "for a reward."

The short skeleton rolled his eyes at that. Right, as if this was a reward... He must've gotten really hurt, and that meant as soon as he started feeling better, he'd likely be punished or hurt for not actually working.


Meanwhile Papyrus had been finishing dinner. He scowled to himself, fairly pissed off.. How had Sans, his meek and pathetic excuse for a brother, managed to kill someone as violent as Doggo, a rising mutt in the guard? Sincerely, it made zero sense to him.

That worthless thing, Papyrus thought, there's no possible way. He hasn't killed a single thing up to this point, and yet he killed something with far more LV than him... How is that possible?

It was a thought that the tall dreadful skeleton couldn't even begin to comprehend. It was so.. Intriguing. And it would continue to boggle his mind while he prepared his brother's portions of food on his plate.

Papyrus merely had to shake his head to get his head straight for now, picking up the plate of food.. While he couldn't fathom the idea of it.. Part of him felt proud. Sans managed to kill something...

Though, the other nasty parts of his mind seemed to plot along the lines of another punishment for gaining LV without permission. Sometimes, he didn't want to listen to them.. Sometimes, he felt terrible. Truly terrible.

But in order to survive in this rotting hell, this sorry excuse of a 'home', he had to seem violent in exterior... He had given up being kind and caring long ago. There was no going back now.

Papyrus grumbled as he walked towards the stairs with the plate, beginning to stomp up firmly. While he approached the door, he could tell Sans was awake his muffled grumbling.

Sans in fact grumbled and huffed as he tried his best to sit himself up, but his weakened state wouldn't even let him, even if he wanted to. He sighed and glanced up, before his eyes widened when he saw his very brother standing in the doorway.

He stumbled a little and tried to push himself back a bit, before freezing up when he noticed the taller skeleton's glare. Papyrus merely scoffed before walking around his bed, putting Sans' plate on his stomach for him.

"USE YOUR HANDS, MUTT." Papyrus stated after crossing his arms, mentioning this after watching Sans slightly struggle to only eat it with his mouth. Sans grunted a little in embarrassment, slowly going to pick up the fork that was left for him. Something he didn't see before..

Usually, the Boss wouldn't let him use utensils. If he didn't see them on the plate, he was told to eat without his hands.. guess today was an exception.

As the taller skeleton watched Sans eat, he wondered wether or not he should actually tell Sans. Though, this would be a good opportunity to tell him as a leverage point of his torture plans later..

Papyrus merely scowled to himself as he raised his arm, immediately catching the attention of his brother before him. "SANS. CHECK YOUR STATS." He ordered, to which the smaller skeleton immediately complied.

When Sans' first checked, he hardly noticed a difference. What Sans saw for his stats was... Heart dropping. 2 attack, 1 defense.. the most important notable thing he could see.. was LV 2.

The small skeleton had to blink a few times to really make sure it was there. He didn't know what to think, or if that was even real. It was impossible to comprehend.

Level of Violence? The very thing he swore himself not to raise?

He was interrupted by his brother clearing his throat, to which Sans quickly rid of his stat display. He stared into Papyrus' cold glaring eyes. He could tell he was going to get hurt for this later..

The tall skeleton crossed his arms, sitting up as straight as ever. "YOU KILLED A MEMBER OF THE GUARD. IF I FIND MYSELF IN TROUBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS, YOU ARE TO PAY IN SUFFERING." He growled out, before walking towards the door.

In the moment, Sans had a stunned look on his face, like he just witnessed a gruesome death before his eyes. He could hardly get any noise out, but as he watched Papyrus exit the door, he managed to slip a word out.


The tall skeleton stopped in his tracks, slowly raising an eyebrow as he glanced back. He stepped backwards glancing down at Sans as if waiting for something.. Sans quickly shifted, glancing at his empty plate before looking back up at Papyrus.

The Boss quietly scoffed as he walked back to retrieve the plate, to which Sans took this opportunity to ask a question. "Wh... Which- royal guard was it..?" He stumbled on his words.

The taller skeleton merely huffed a little in response as he walked towards the door. "DOGGO." Was all he said, as he exited his room once more. Sans' eyes widened again, and his world crumbled before him.

Not only was this LV gain against his moral code, but now he had to worry about the dogs in the guard. Part of him felt like there was no way he could be seen alive outside anymore.. But he knew the Boss would never let him stay inside every day.

When Papyrus left the room, it left Sans alone, with his own thoughts. Those dogs were going to kill him.. How the fuck was he even going to survive like this?

One thought sat in the back of his mind like a viper ready to attack the prey.

You can't survive like this. Give up.

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