Chapter 4 ~ A break.

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   The moment Sans woke up, he jerked himself awake and sat up quickly. He gave a few short and quick breaths before slowly catching his breath, getting his bearings back momentarily. Though, he soon realized.. Shit, what about the punishment?

      As Sans collected his thoughts, he noticed his hands had been wrapped in bandages. He also felt the pain had dissapeared that was on his rib.. Was this from.. Papyrus? No, surely not.. Though he did recognize the bandaging style. It had to have been the Boss.

   The short skeleton was confused, in a way. How the hell did he get out of the rest of his punishment? Honestly, before he knew where he was when he first woke up, he actually thought all of it was a dream. Hell, and he hated being startled when waking up..

   Honestly, he just needed to take the time to think. His life ever since his younger brother had changed, the path that lead him to be so cruel, narcissistic, and sadistic. He just wished he could end it all..

   He then remembered one specific thing. Hell yes, it was the weekend. Finally, a moment of fuckin' peace.. Sans lightly laid back again as he slowly stretched out, holding his head slightly. He yawned a little, as he was about to take another nap, however.. The moment he heard that door open, he knew. He still had a bit of house work to do. Even with his still healing wounds..

   Papyrus huffed as he stepped into Sans' room, gripping the handle on the door slightly with his gloved hand. "HM.. AWAKE NOW I SEE. GOOD. YOU DID WELL ENOUGH YESTERDAY, SO YOUR PUNISHMENT WILL NOT CONTINUE TODAY. UNLESS YOU MESS UP." The tall lanky skeleton sneered, adjusting his scarf and stepping a bit farther in.

   Sans grunted slightly and quickly sat up, sighing in relief. He glanced down slightly, rubbing the back of his head. "Ahh-ah, Boss.. I'll do good today.. Swear it.." He sighed, standing himself up. He just couldn't catch a moment, despite how much he just wanted to sit and hate his shitty life as a "mutt". Ugh.

      Papyrus let go of the handle as he crossed his arms instead. "RIGHT, I WOULD HOPE SO. IF YOU DO WELL TODAY, I MIGHT LET YOU HAVE A BOTTLE OF MUSTARD." He sighed, tapping his heeled boot on the floor as he awaited Sans to do what he usually required.

   Sans thought it was absurd at first, when Papyrus first started these.. crazy rules and shitty requirements for certain days.. But now, he had gotten so fucking numb to this torment, he knew exactly what to do for the Boss when he wanted it... Shit.

   As the smaller skeleton got himself up off of his messy unkept bed, he walked up to Papyrus and put his arms in his jackets pockets. The taller skeleton then sat up with somehow even more straight and perfect posture.


   Sans could only say one thing, too afraid of what could possibly happen if he said anything to oppose his brother. "Y-.. Yes, Boss.." He uttered, sighing somewhat. He glanced back at his bed as Papyrus walked away from his room, giving a low sigh. Fuck, he dreaded it..

As the older brother walked towards his bed to begin fixing it all back up, he started to think again. When did Papyrus start making him call him Boss? Hell, he really couldn't remember at this point. He'd grown so accustomed to using Boss that he just.. had it melded into his thick skull. Same goes with all the other information..

   The more he thought, the more he remembered, however. The fucking collar he was forced to wear.. and the leash that attached to it when Papyrus wanted it there. He was treated like a dog. It was fucking dreadful...

As Sans finished with his bed, he walked downstairs, picking up the sock with his magic on his way. He let it go back into the dirty clothes hamper in his room, while he headed towards the kitchen..

   Honestly, he was sick of living like this. If anything, all of this just made him tired. It made him lose any motivation he ever had to begin with. They used to be so damn happy.. And then everything fell to shit. And everyone in the fucking underground hated him...

   The short skeleton stopped his thoughts though when he suddenly cut his finger on a knife in the sink. He inhaled sharply as he jerked the hand back, holding it tightly against his jacket. Hurt like hell too, since he got soap in the mix with his bone marrow. Fuck, fuck, fuck... He huffed shakily and looked down.

   He really needed to be more careful. Sure, while part of him imagined himself intentionally causing self harm, he knew that would never work out. It wasn't any magical solution to all his problems here. Cutting his body wouldn't really change the fact that he still lived in a hellish shit hole.

   As Sans lifted the trash bag from the trash can to take it outside, he shook his head a little at his thoughts. He knew, he still had so much fucking hatred towards those dog guards. Not just Dogamy and Dogaressa. He just wished he could get some revenge some day... Because fuck, did he want to. He wished he could beat the snot out of all of them. Even if he did have one HP, he could dodge like a freight train... At least, until he gets tired...

   The older, much shorter skeleton brother sighed as he finally finished his tasks, glancing up when he noticed Papyrus was making dinner. Sans sat on the floor as he awaited his food to be brought to him.. He assumed his brother would be making lasagna again today. Sounded about right.

   Papyrus soon finished with dinner, and glanced down at Sans as he set his own plate on the table. He then took Sans' plate to him, pouring it into his.. dog bowl. It felt like fucking degradation, that's what it was.

   Sans couldn't even complain though.. Food was food. He learned to accept the terms and conditions, even if they were absolute putrid dog shit. His eye quickly glanced up though, as his taller brother handed him a bottle of mustard. "HURRY UP. BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND." He grumbled. Sans quickly grabbed the bottle, and Papyrus huffed before sitting up and walking back to the couch.

   Hell yeah, free mustard... Ugh,
Of course that's the only good thing going for me. Today could have been worse, at least. Sans thought, as he squirted a bit of the mustard into his mouth.

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