(God/ Evolution) Red Eye x Valt's sister Reader

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Requested: no one

There was no request in here. So, I made it and didn't update for 2 weeks. Anyway, hope you all like it.

Type of this story:
(☁️ + ❤)


(You POV)

Me, my brother Valt and my friends, beyclub, were watching Shu from the airport that he was going to America for him to get stronger after he losed against Lui.

We waved at him as goodbye as he waved at us back. He took glanced at me and gave me a small smile before the airport fly.

I smiled at him back and mumbled saying goodbye at him. After that, we went back to the school rooftop and training.
A few days later, me and Valt got invited to Spain and the team is BC Sol. Me and him jumped happily that we got join as we tell them that Valt and I got join in Spain.

We told them as they said congrated to us, except Honcho. He's kinda upset that we had to go to Spain.

"Valt, (Y/N). When you get there, please don't forget about me." The lolipop guy said with a sad face. Valt grinned at him.

"Yeah, me too buddy." He then hugged me as a goodbye. They smiled at us along with my brother.

"(Y/N). Do the best and become the best blader." I hugged him back.

"I will."


Timeskip, at BC Sol...

(No POV)

The BC Sol team were celebrating after they won against team Royale. (Y/N) also very enjoy beyblading with her new friends.

Honcho got invited in BC Sol since he got a letter of join to Spain. Valt and (Y/N) were happy to him.

As they eat their lunch, Ange called Valt that someone want to talk with him on the phone.

Valt then answered and it was none other than the rich guy who afraid of heights, Wakiya.

Honcho and (Y/N) heard his called as Wakiya said about Shu. (Y/N) tilted her head as she asked.

"What is it, Wakiya? It's something wrong about him." Wakiya then answered.

"Yeah, it is (Y/N). Shu was gone at America and no one know where he was. They said he suddenly vanished after the tournamant." (Y/N), Honcho and Valt eyes widened after he said it.

"Wait, Shu is gone?" Valt said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I'm telling the truth. Do you guys want to come with me and search for him?" They look for each other and nodded.

"I'm coming, Wakiya." Valt said.

"Me too."

"Me three!!"

"Ok, I'll wait at the airport. I was on my way to Spain and wait for you guys."

"Ok, see ya." Valt then ended call as (Y/N) told to Kris that Valt, Honcho and her want to go out for a day and had something importent.

Kris agreed and let them go after they packed their things and get ready to search for Shu.
Timeskip at Mexico and Cuza also followed them

After they reached to the forest, they saw a zipline with a hold things. Wakiya saw how high from above as he shivered.

(Y/N) noticed him as she gave him a patted back. But, Wakiya can't calm down because how high the mountain.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now