Chapter 1

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SUMMARY: After Reborn informs that Tsuna and his classmate gonna go on a trip to Italy, they roar in happiness, thinking of the rare chance to travel outside, well except for certain Vongola Decimo and his guardians. Will the trip gonna be fun like how the classmate predicted or is it gonna be bad? Find out in Long 'Fun' Classroom Trip to Italy.

p/s: this is AboveClouds story request. Enjoy. KHR don't belong to me.

Timoteo is currently looking at the picture and reports that Reborn sends him every month about Tsuna's progress. He slightly smiles looking at Tsuna's different expression.

Then, he scanning the reports that Reborn sends to him. At the first half, he would slightly chuckles and continues to read. His guardians who present at that time only smiles slightly, listening to their boss laughter.

But, at the lower half of the report, suddenly Timoteo's expression changes from happy one to scowling one. Now, the guardians' interest perks up about Timoteo's sudden change.

"Coyote, connect me to Reborn," order Timoteo and Coyote immediately get it done. Timoteo waits for Reborn to pick up on the other side.


"Ciao, Reborn. It's me,Timoteo,"

"Yes. What do you want, Nono?" ask Reborn smirking on the other side. Timoteo picks up the report and reads it once again

"I'm finishes reading your report. Tsuna-kun is being bullied?" ask Timoteo to confirm the news.

"Yeah. Even though i teach him a lot of self-defence, he still is a target of those bullies. He should at least punishes them once for belittle him," grunts Reborn in annoyance.

"If Tsuna-kun didn't want to punish them, why don't we punish them? What do you think, Reborn?" said Timoteo smirking. The guardians flinch seeing those smirk and evil glint on the old man's eyes.

"Now, you got me, Nono. What is your plan?" ask Reborn smirking. He listens to Timoteo's plan and he couldn't help and chuckles darkly. 'From now on, the bullies should know that they should never mess with Tsuna,' said Reborn while smirking, hanging up his phone. He hopping out from Tsuna's room and heading to the Namimori School.


"How could you make a mistake on this simple question, Tsuna?" yells Nezu-sensei in anger. Tsuna only bows his head in shame.

"I'm sorry," said Tsuna timidly.

"Huh! What can I expect from this Dame- Tsuna? Once an idiot will be forever an idiot," said Nezu-sensei cause the whole class to laugh at Tsuna, except for Gokudera, Yamamoto and Kyoko.

"Bastard, how dare you insult Juudaime. I'll kill you instantly," exclaims Gokudera, taking out his dynamite.

"Hahaha, you shouldn't call people an idiot, Nezu-sensei," said Yamamoto, hardens his voice on the last part, even holding up his katana. Even though he is smiling his usual smile, his eyes is serious that cause the whole class including Nezu-sensei to shut up.

Suddenly, the classroom door opens and reveals Reborn in his Reboyama-sensei's costume. He slowly steps inside the class and hops on the teacher's table. He silently communicating eye-to-eye with Yamamoto and Gokudera. Both of them smirks and keeps their weapon and finally sit down. Tsuna looks confusedly at both of his friend.

"Reboyama-sensei, it's an honour to meet you. Do you want something with my class?" said Nezu-sensei in awe, watching the person he respects the most currently standing in front of him.

"Nothing, Nezu-sensei. I just come here for a short time to deliver a message from my friend," said Reborn, looking at Tsuna who avoiding looking at him.

"What is the message,sensei?" ask Nezu-sensei.

"Your class, 2-A has been selected to go on a trip to Italy next week. And it is free of charge. Everything will be take care by my friend," said Reborn causing the class to roar in happiness. Well except for those best friend trio.

Those three expressions are different from each other. Or should I say, both of them is in similar expression but the other one is in horror

'What?!! Trip to Italy?!!' exclaims Tsuna in his heart. He could faint anytime now.

Meanwhile, for the Yamamoto and Gokudera, their smirk only intensified. This whole class trip gonna be a very looonggg fun class trip.

Meanwhile, for the certain prefect, pineapple-hair duo, boxing maniac hangs up their phone. They chuckles (well, smirk for the prefect) for the recent news they has been informed.

'Now, they gonna get it. This is the time for sweet revenge,' that is what Vongola Decimo guardians thinking about at that time.



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